Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 51 > Page 48 - "It is Wrong, Wrong to Dance"?? An Introduction to Cheticamp-Area Dance Prohibition with Folklorist Barbara LeBlanc

Page 48 - "It is Wrong, Wrong to Dance"?? An Introduction to Cheticamp-Area Dance Prohibition with Folklorist Barbara LeBlanc

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1 (291 reads)

La danseuse etie diable 1. Ecoutez le r6cit d'une fille danseuse Qui m'prisait son p6re avec grande fiertd II n'y a rien sur la terre pire que la vanity 2. "Ma fille j'ai grand peur" lui dit son p're sage "Que vous tomberez en malheur dedans votre jeune dge "Tout comme une insens'e k tous les soirs au bal "C'est dans les assemblies qu'on y apprend le mal." (la fille) 3. "Taisez vous vieux Louis je veux faire encore pire "Je ris de vos r'primandes je veux passer mon temps "Au jeu et k la danse pour avoir un amant." The Dancer and the Devil 1. Listen to the tale of a female dancer Who scorns her father with great pride There is nothing on the earth worse than vanity. 2. My daughter 1 have great fear says her wise father That distress will come to you in your youth Foolish girl who goes to all the dance gatherings It's in these gatherings that one learns evil (the daughter) 3. Shut up old Louis 1 will do even worse 1 laugh at your warnings 1 will spend my time Playing and dancing to find a lover (son pdre) 4. "Ma fille vous avez tort d'??tre si coquette "Vous auriez un amant qui serait sage et honn??te." Mais cette miserable r'pond avec fiert6: "Quoique 'a serait le diable je veux me marier." 5. Eile sort de la maison en d'pit du bonhomme Rencontra le d'mon qui est en forme d'homme II lui dit:- "Ma mignonne fort bien je vous connais." Aussitdt il lui donne une bague k son doigt. 6. "Ah! je m'en vas au bal prenez ma compagnie "Vous serez ma mignonne je vous donnes mon coeur "Recevez mes caresses je suis un gros Seigneur." (her father) 4. My daughter you are wrong to be such a coquette You will have a lover who will be wise and honest But the miserable girl answered with pride Even if it was the devil 1 want to get married 5. She leaves the house despite the old fellow She meets the demon who is in the shape of a man He says to her my darling 1 know you very well He immediately places a ring on her finger 6. Ah, 1 am going to a dance come with me You will be my darling 1 offer you my heart Take my caresses 1 am a great lord. 7. "Ah! oui je sais fort bien que vous ??tes un brave homme, "Tout ce qui m'appartient k vous je I'abandonne "J'ai toujours d'sir' et j'avais dans mon coeur "Que je serais heureuse d''pouser un Seigneur." 8. Le demon infernal I'amdna dans la danse Tout au milieu du bal devant toute I'assistance II changea de figure et devint si affreux Apporta la creature k bruler dans ses feux. 9. Que d'affreux heurlements on entendait en I'air, Filles de 18 ans je vous sers d'exemplaire Ah! si vous saviez comme il faut dans ces bas lieux Avant de plaire aux hommes il faudrait plaire k Dieu. 7. Oh yes 1 know very well that you are a brave man All that which belongs to me 1 abandon everything for you 1 have always wanted 1 had in my heart That 1 would be happy to marry a lord 8. The infernal demon takes her to a dance In the middle of the dance in front of all He changed shape and became so terrible He brings her to burn in hell 9. What terrible screams we heard in the air A girl of eighteen 1 use you as an example Ah if you only knew in those low places Before pleasing men it would be necessary to please God. These songs were collected by Laura Sadowsky and Barbara LeBlanc. "La fiancSe du diable" is a version collected in written form from Leo AuCoin, St. Joseph-du-Moine. "La danseuse et le diable" is from Fr. AuCoin, Cheticamp. The example of a dance legend is translated by Ms. LeBlanc from Fr. Anselme Chiasson's book Les legendes des lies de la Madeleine. 1976. Your Prestige Florist for Quality and Service Ashby Nurseries Plummet Ave. NEW WATERFORD 862-3374 "Call on us for free consultation to make your wedding perfect!" ' OVERLOOKING SYDNEY HARBOUR mn Tel: (902) 539-6550 Toll Free: 1-800-565-9409 Vistjtotel 59 Units * Open Year Round Licensed Dining Room open 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. with Home-Styled Meals 140 Kings Road SYDNEY Nova Scotia B1P6J9 m'- m
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