Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 54 > Page 11 - "Cap" Cowley - A Salvage Tug Captain

Page 11 - "Cap" Cowley - A Salvage Tug Captain

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/6/1 (335 reads)

rescue tugs. But were you trained? When you'd go to the college for your Master's papers, were they teaching you about res? cue tugs?) No. No, not at all. Just the practical work, which I learned when I joined up. When that old Capt. Strouser-- he had some experience at tugs, 'cause he'd been on them, before the war. So I'd learned quite a lot off of him. And then another time I was laying along? side the wharf in Falmouth. And on the other side of the wharf there was a Dutch tug laying. And the Dutch are very famous towing people, as you probably know. (No.) The Dutch--they're still the best. Well, a "No man is an island, entire of itself..!' (John Donne, 1572-1631) Today's global marketplace enlarges our opportunities. And our challenges. The spirit of teamwork has never been more important. At Enterprise Cape Breton and Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation we work with business-minded people to build for the future. We're here to counsel, support and encourage men and women whose vision and determination is creating jobs and an improved economic climate. Miracles.'' Not likely. But solid achievement and, over time, a better way of life in Eastern Nova Scotia.'* YES. We firmly believe in that. Working with ACOA; working with governments at every level, working with people who can make things happen, we're here to help. Enterprise Cape Breton • ' Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation P.O. Box 2001, Commerce Tower, 15 Dorchester Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P6K7 564-3614 mW Part of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency German plane came in. It was in daylight. And he drops a string of bombs right across the wharf where we were laying. And one of the bombs hit the Dutch tug and sunk it. Missed my ship.... So anyway, we rescued all the people off the Dutch ship. It was the senior Dutch ship at the time. And the captain--Capt. Vett--he came with me. And he said, "Well, I've got no ship now." And the Navy made arrangements to get his ship lifted and repaired. But it was going to take about 3 months to do it. So Vett had no place to go. "Captain," he said, "if you don't mind, I'd like to come with you on your ship." I said, "Fine!" And I learned an awful lot from him. He was a nice fellow. The funny thing was, after the war.... Before he left my ship he said, "Now, Cap? tain," he said, "now," he said, "very good friends." He said, "After the war, you and me-- enemies!" So, I knew what he meant. He meant, you know, I'd be in English tugs and he'd be in Dutch tugs. And we'd be fighting for work, to see who could get out and salvage a ship first. So sure enough-- that one Farley Mowat wrote the book about (The Serpent's Coil), the Leicester-- when we were hunting for that, and just before we found her, Capt. Vett was out with his ship, and he was only a few miles away. We got there first and got the line on the boat! Now that, that was funny.... He's dead now. He'd been at it all his life, eh?
Cape Breton's Magazine
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