Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 56 > Page 58 - Bishop Plessis Visits Cape Breton, 1815

Page 58 - Bishop Plessis Visits Cape Breton, 1815

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1 (317 reads)

duction of Louisbourg, leaving their lands behind, which the govern? ment later assigned to this rich Irish merchant, who thus has a large expanse of land. It is to him that the inhabitants of L'escousse (D'Escousse). L'ardoise, of River Bourgeois, etc., bring their fish and obtain their necessities. One will have an idea of the extent of his commercial enterprise by learning that, at that very moment, he was sending to the islands of the Gulf of Mexico a cargo of 1,200 quarts of salted mackerel, on each of which he made a profit of 15 shillings. Mr. Cavenagh is also estimable for many reasons, but chiefly for this hospitality. All strangers are welcome at his home and, as a good catholic, he is extremely attentive and full of courtesies for the clergy. His family shares this excellent disposition with him. He was away when the bishop'and his suite arrived at his home. Business had sent him to Halifax but he was expected hourly. His wife and children replaced him as best they could with many atten? tions to their guests. This family is very poorly lodged. The house it occupied on the seashore was destroyed during a storm in the fall of Since 1914 H. H. Marshall Limited Corporate Head Office Halifax, N. S. 3731 Macintosh Street 'wholesale distributors'! B3K 5N5 L OF periodicals & books" J H. H. MARSHALL Founder and First President (1884-1923) H. H. MARSHALL LIMITED TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND THE MANY PEOPLE WE SERVE. IT HAS GIVEN US OUR VALUED HERITAGE AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO AN EXCITING FUTURE. ''# branch offices CHARLOTTETOWN ST. JOHN'S SYDNEY H. H. Marshall LIMITED 103 York Street, Sydney (539-3220) DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED 1811. They were forced to spend the winter in a building which had been their kitchen and sen/ants' quarters, and they are still living in it. A new and spacious house is being readied in a safer spot with a better view than the former one, but its construction has been slowed by the troubles caused by the last war, and will only be ready for oc? cupancy this Fall. July 2 - It was in this unfinished house that mass was said, on Sun? day, since rain and contrary winds had proved an invincible obstacle to our wish to say mass in the chapel at Lescousse which is 3 leagues from there on the great Isle Madame. This contretemps was sorely felt by the Bishop of Quebec who realized that, in order to ac? commodate him and his entourage, the entire Cavenagh family had been obliged to move out and that one of the young ladies was sick with a cold contracted during the rainy night. Happy are those who dp not realize they are a charge on somebody! They are unencumbered by woniesl However, more delicate characters are tomnented by the thought of being a bother to a family, particularly when its members are so courteous. The additional time that must be spent becomes a sort of martyrdom. The bishop's entourage had been augmented by Mr. Alexander Mac- donell, senior, missionary at St. Margaret of French Barn, who had joined him at Indian mission of Labrador. The hospitable house was, therefore, cluttered up with six ecclesiastics, not to mention Louiso? net and a few Scots who had followed Mr. Macdonell. During the evening, the master of the house arrived himself. Despite his many entreaties, however, the prelate irrevocably fixed the departure to Monday morning. July 3 - It took place around eight o'clock. Mr. Cavenagh wanted the trip to be done in his most elegant rowlDoat and he honoured the de? parture of his guests with an artillery salvo fired from a battery of three cannons which had been placed on his establishment during the last war. The wind did not allow us to take the route of the barachois, which would have brought the travellers, after three or four leagues of navi? gation, within half a mile of the end of the Arichat hart)Our: we were obliged to go around the island by the north and northwest, a route of some 8 or 9 leagues, which brought us to the rectory around four or five o'clock in the evening, after having meandered through an infinity of islands which compose this archipelago. Mr. Lejamtel, in his impa? tience to get home, had thrown himself in an Indian canoe, which had brought him to Lescousse, from where he had walked during two or three hours before us through a 3 league portage. One has no idea of the courage and stamina of this brave missionary who is now 58 years old. Messrs McEachern, Manseau and Macdonell, junior, had been wait? ing for their bishop for several days at the Arichat rectory. It was a very real joy for him to see them again. Seven priests, nine eccle? siastics, together in this parish, was a brand new novelty. The pious ladies did not miss this opportunity. Since their husbands were away fishing, they satisfied their devotion by attending mass regularly eve? ry day of the week and during part of the next. DECO MOBILE INC Verticals • Hardwood & Cushion Floors • DECOmOBILEmNC. FROM FLOORS TO WALLS, WE COVER THEM ALL! Cushion Flooring, Carpeting, Wallpaper, Mini Blinds, Verticals, Lighting Fixtures, Safe Stride, Ceramic Tiles, Pre-finished Hardwood, and much more • FREE ESTIMATES • Owner: Dee MacDonald 727-2398 • Tigger's Ent. 727-2653 • Saies - Blair MacPherson 727-2522 P. O. Box 46 MARION BRIDGE Nova Scotia Best Western Clapmore Jnn and Conference Centre ANTIGONISH, N. S. (902)863-1050 Indoor & Outdoor Pools / Sauna / Hot Tub / Licensed Dining Room & Lounge Golf & Tennis Courts: 5 Minutes * Adiacent to Antiaonish Shonninn m??ii
Cape Breton's Magazine
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