Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 57 > Page 16 - Rose Schwartz of New Waterford

Page 16 - Rose Schwartz of New Waterford

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1 (570 reads)

In fact, his sister and her husband--my uncle--moved up to Montreal from Cape Bre? ton. I went to stay with them, I went to work there. It was just a candy store or something. You know, just to keep me busy. Because my father felt that if I stayed on in Cape Breton. I'd never get a nice man. a Jewish fellow, or somebody like that, you know! So I went to Montreal. And (my future hus? band) came to visit his sister. In fact, before he came I got engaged to another fellow. That fellow was sort of a distant relative of ours. And. you see. my husband lived in Sudbury and he'd only come once a year or twice a year to Montreal. So this fellow came, and my parents said. "Look, if you want to marry, you go ahead." So. we got engaged, you know. So then, while we were engaged, my husband came to visit his sister. And he said, "Let's go to spend a nice evening out. Go GRANNY'S'PECIAL qifTS "Exclusive ' ""'"" '" GIFT BASKETS for All Occasions" WE DELIVER! 564-8257 lue Gift Service Making Your Gift Giving Easy, Convenient & Enjoyable • Cape Breton Gift Baskets • f/lother/Baby Baskets Hospital Care Baskets • Bath & Soap Baskets • Diabetic Baskets • Children's Gift Baskets • Condolence Baskets 5 FERRY ST., SYDNEY to the theatre and have something to eat." I said, "All right, we'll go." So when I came back, the fellow that I was engaged to was sitting waiting for me in the house. And he got very upset. So I said. "Look, I didn't marry you yet." I said. "Here is your ring back." I was engaged to him. he gave me a nice ring. "Here is your ring. And goodbye." And from then on, that was the end! Rose laughs. (The Jewish community here must not have been very big even then, that your father felt you weren't going to find a Jewish boy.) Yeah. You know what happened with the Jewish community. The children, when they were big enough, and they wanted to get a better education, they'd go away to the cities. And after they'd get the edu? cation, they'd stay there. And, you know, the young people used to go away, and they weren't coming back. (As early as 1920-- this was happening already?) Yeah. And living in New Waterford--in those days, you know, to get to Sydney--we didn't have cars in those days. And to get to Sydney and to mix--it was kind of hard. And I wasn't a great mixer, either. So-- that was the only way for me to get a Jew? ish man was to go up to Montreal! (Was it important to you--or was it impor? tant to your dad--that you marry a Jewish man?) I think my father, it was important to him. And I don't think I'd be interest? ed any other way either, I suppose. Wefcome to your ' ftonte azuay from home! These signs invite you to come make new friends and experience a unique way to enjoy Cape Breton's famed hospitality. For more information, drop in at any Cape Breton Tourist Bureau or write to P.O. Box 144 Sydney, N.S. B1P6R7 1-800-665-9460 'ienvenue cfiez nous! Aux etablissements arborant ces enseignes, vous trouverez des hotes chaleureux qui vous feront decouvrir I'hospitalite Iegendaire du Cap-Breton, Pour plus de renseignements, adressez-vous a n'importe quel bureau d'information touristique du Cap-Breton ou ecrivez d C.P. 1448 Sydney (N.E) B1P6R7 1-800-665-9460 _ • A program of: Une Initiative de: • J' Enterprise Societe ??''Bk Cape Breton d'expansion HmmW Corporation du Cap-Breton (But you didn't go away for an educa? tion.) No, I didn't have the chance. And my father couldn't afford it. But you know, when I came here, I was al? ready 13 years old. And I had my edu? cation in Russia. I was in Grade 7 already in Russia. (And you were born there.) Yes. 1900. I was the oldest in the family. (What kind of life did your parents have in Russia?) Well, I'll tell you. My fa? ther wasn't getting along well after he got married in Russia. Because, he wasn't a good businessman. And he wasn't a man that did any kind of a.... Irving Schwartz. Rose's son: Didn't have a trade. Rose: Trade, of any kind. (He had no trade, and he wasn't a good businessman.) He was bad at it because in the family there were only 3 chil? dren. And they cuddled them too much. So he was sort of--you know. So he de? cided that he'd rather go to America. mko DEPARTMENT STORES Celebrating 25 Years of Savings 'at our Sydney Rivery Location CAPE BRETON SHOPPING PLAZA - SYDNEY RIVER MAYFLOWER MALL - GRAND LAKE ROAD - SYDNEY PORT HAWKESBURY SHOPPING CENTRE WooIco will meet any local competitors advertised prices* 'OTHERS SAY IT... WOOLCO GUARANTEES IT! Just bring in any CompetHor's current Ad. If our price on the identical item isn't already as low, or lower than their advertised price we will immediately meet their price! We exclude gimmici< promotions (Scratch & Save), & entire Department, entire Store percentage off Promottons. We reserve the right to limit quantities. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN 16
Cape Breton's Magazine
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