Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 57 > Page 67 - La Messe du Revenant / Mass of the Ghost

Page 67 - La Messe du Revenant / Mass of the Ghost

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1 (170 reads)

area--more fear of the living, if I thought I was in an area that was rough, what we call rough. Areas that were--you know, where there wasn't the very best go? ing on. But of the dead I'd have no fear at all. No, no fear at all. (I don't know any reason why a person should.) Certainly no fear at all, no, no. But if you ran into the dead, you're sup? posed to address them the way that we learned from our parents, to address them. You should ask them, "In the name of God, what do you want? Or what can I do for you? Tell me." But there'll be no obliga? tion put before you that's hard or impos? sible to do. Because they wouldn't do it. There'd be nothing like that happening. Might be only something very simple. Might be only something very simple, that would be asked to be done. (Again, very merci? ful.) Oh. yes. oh. yeah. (It's not like the tasks of Hercules.) Oh. no. no. no. They weren't going to--no. no. Our thanks to Ed Binn for suggesting that we have a visit with Mickey MacNeil. La Messe du Revenant/Mass of the Ghost Told by Charles (a Lagode) Bourgeois Of Cheticamp C'etait la nuit. Similar to the events shared by Mickey MacNeil in the preceding story, our readers will be Interested In this story which is well- known in Cheticamp. Fr. Anselme Chlasson knew it as a child, and he collected It In 1957 from Charles (' Lagode) Bourgeois of Cheticamp. it is a different story of a sinner punished by being put in the church overnight • ' sinner who in turn helps a priest from the dead say a Mass. Charles Bourgeois was 86 and ill in the hospital when he told this story to Fr. Chiasson • the only one of his stories we know to have been collected. Un Equipage 6tait parti pour Albaloma. chez les Esquimaux, pour y vivre. lis avaient amen6 avec eux un pretre pour y tenir cette paroisse, parce qu'ils 6tiont des bons vivants. En chemin, ils avont frapp' une tempete. lis avont promis une messe pour etre sauv's. Mais ils s'avont tous perdu. Un an apr's ga. une jour- n'e. L'on. un vagabond qui 'tait navi- gant. a atter- ,- • • ri 1' en avi? on. II a 6t6 k jI'eglise pour se corifesser, parce qu'il avait couch6 favec une soeur auparavant. !Pour sa peni? tence, le con- ifesseur lui a jordonn' d'al? ler faire sa Ipri're h Charles (' Lagode) Bourgeois at about 80 I'eglise. Il etait sur les epingles. Juste k minuit. la porte de la sacristie s'a ouvri, 1'equipage des noy's a paru...le pr??tre et son equipage avec lui. II a mis les vete- ments pour la messe p'is il s'a revire par derriere, et il a demande, "Ici, par la Visit an Underground Coal Mine '''' Miners' Museum Glace Bay, N. S. One of the Foremost Museums in Nova Scotia! Bring your family to enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime experience of touring an actual Coal Mine with a retired miner as your guide. After touring Museum and Mine, visit the well-stocked Gift Shop and the Miners' Village Restaurant on the same 15- acre site located just one mile from downtown Glace Bay. Thie Miners' Museum Is Open Year Round and Welcomes Group Tours. During June, July, and August, inquire about Tuesday Night Concerts with the "Men of the Deeps" For Information about Hours and Rates: PHONE (902) 849-4522 67
Cape Breton's Magazine
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