Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 58 > Page 48 - "Parade of Concern" for Sydney Steel

Page 48 - "Parade of Concern" for Sydney Steel

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1 (251 reads)

were walking in mud. And after awhile it didn't matter if you didn't have rubbers on, or you were going over your shoes. It was just a big field out in the centre of the Sports Centre, inside the track. That's where everybody was standing. But it worked well. And there was a good feeling. I think everybody was happy that there was such a large turnout. The spirit was good, and there was no anger. And it was all organized--the speeches--that they would be quick, to the point--get started, get over, and get out. And a little bit of entertainment in be? tween. Waiting for the crowds to fill up. Vince Morrison chaired the meeting, and everything was quick, to the point, then it was finished, then we all left. So there was no anger. Because there was no (steel) company there. It was all ourselves. and we were trying to im? press government. And we impressed them. We had news media from CAPE BRETON COnPUTEJl TUTOR • General Introduction to Personal Computers • Computer Literacy Courses • Children's Classes & Computer Camps • Bedford Accounting • Business Training • Consultations and Solutions Research • Tutorials and Private Training Courses CALL 562-6110 66 Wentworth St. Sydney, N.S. BIP 6T4 Thomas MacLeod • Res. 539-2981 Will Naylor • Res. 539-0578 AGRICULTURAL ACCOUNTANT/ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE/CHEMICAL DEALER/CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER/CONSULTANT/ECONOMIST/EDUCATOR/EQUIPMENT DEALER/EQUIPMENT DESIGNER/JOUR- NALIST/REPRESENTATIVE • AGRON< DISTRIBUTOR/NUTRITIONIST/PHYSI?_, TIONEER. BACTERIOLOGIST. BEEKEEPl . BOTANIST. BUTCHER. CATTLE RANCI ANALYST. COMPUTER ANALYST/OPi SWORKER/SPECIALIST • DIESEL TOMOLOGIST • ENVIRONMEI _. WORKER/REPRESENTATIVE/SPEC'T . FARRIER. FEEDMILLOPERATOrMRTII CESSINGSUPERVISOR.FOODCP' - . GRAIN ELEVATOR OPERATOR _, . HYDRAULIC ENGINEER • HYDROl WORKER. INTERNATIONAL SPECL CHITECT . LANDSCAPER • LAND : MARKETING ANALYST. MEAT CU" SUPERVISOR • NURSERY OPERATOI CIAN TIONIST/I SCIENTIS" VISOR : SALES M, SPECIALI: PATHOLOGIST • WATER RESOURi COUNTANT/ASSOCIATION E" TANT/ECONOMIST/EDUCATOI TATIVE. AGRONOMIST • ANIM/ TIONIST/PHYSIOLOGIST/SCIE BACTERIOLOGIST.BEEKEEPER " . BUTCHER. CATTLf' COMPUTER AN SWORKER/SPECL TOMOLOGIST. El WORKER/REPRESEI . FARRIER. FEED MILLOPERATOR all over the country. It was a tremendous turnout.... (And where were you that day?) I was in the beginning of the Parade, early, be? cause I was involved--and I had to speak. There were only 5 speakers. And only one from the community--only one local speak? er. That was me. And that was agreed upon by the committee. And it was only short-- maybe a 5-minute speech. The two big speeches were G. I. Smith and Allan Mac? Eachen. Not in length, but that's where the power was. We had someone from the CLC in to speak. And someone from the United Steelworkers in from the head office. No? body local. It was the outside support that we needed. And the real pressure was to be on G. I. Smith and Allan MacEachen. Allan speaking for the federal government, and G. I., of course, the Premier. It was geared to that. (Did G. I. have the answer that day?) No. He didn't have the answer. And there was no question about it, they were playing one against the other, in a sense--feeling one another out--Allan and G. I. Smith. They both knew they had to do something, because they were not going to get off the hook. And I'm sure they didn't know exact? ly. But it developed quickly. And I know the decision was made very soon after that. Because the government was supposed to take over on the first of Jan? uary. They actually took over, in prac? tice, about the 5th or 10th of December. Because all of the (steel company) man? agement, locally, were on our side. We had a unique situation, that the management people and union people were together. And they were doing in December what they knew they should be doing for the takeover at the 1st of January. :IST/GENETICIST/HEALTH PRODUCTS JIAL BREEDING TECHNICIAN/. AUC- fNEER. BIOPHYSICIST. BIOSTATICIAN GROWER. CLIMATOLOGIST. CREDIT ?? LESPERSON . DAIRY FARMER/HERD- ??"iOGIST . EMBRYOLOGIST . EN- ?MENT OPERATOR • 4-H YOUTH tASTER. FARMER/FARM MANAGER ;t/FLORAL designer . FOOD PRO- yPERINTENDENT. GRAIN BROKER . bREENSKEEPER. HORTICULTURIST ;R . INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LAB TECHNICIAN • LANDSCAPE AR- |ST . LOAN OFFICER . MACHINIST . ' ROLOGICAL ANALYST. MILK PLANT lANAGER. PEST CONTROL TECHNI- ,ST/NUTRI- POULTRY ??ROLSUPER- NSPECTOR. ".LIST. SOILS --.- jTERINARIAN supervisor. agricultural ac- ;truction engineer/consul- iESIGNER/JOURNALIST/REPRESEN- : PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR/NUTRI- ECHNICIAN/. AUCTIONEER . 'SICIST. BIOSTATICIAN. BOTANIST CREDIT ANALYST. :Y FARMER/HERD- BRYOLOGIST. EN- 'ATOR. 4-H YOUTH ;ER/FARM MANAGER _.. JRTILIZER PLANT SUPERVISOR. FLORIST/FLORAL DESIGNER. FOOD PRO? CESSING SUPERVISOR. FOOD CHEMIST. GEOLOGIST. GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT. GRAIN BROKER DEGREE& DIPLOMA PROGRAMS OFFERED Nova Scotia I Agricultural College For more information on how you can get your career in the Food Industry started, contact: The Office of the Registrar Nova Scotia Agricultural College P.O. Box 550 Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5E3 Tel: (902) 893-NSAC (Hawker-Siddeley did finally sell the plant to the provincial gov? ernment. Is that cor? rect?) Very little selling. It was almost a takeover. They were closing it out anyway, and abandoning the plant. So I don't know exactly.... They were not intend? ing to do much with the plant, when they closed it. It wasn't as if they were going to transfer very much of it to anywhere. So, 48
Cape Breton's Magazine
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