Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 58 > Page 84 - Mary E. Blatchford's Letter from Beinn Bhreagh, 1891

Page 84 - Mary E. Blatchford's Letter from Beinn Bhreagh, 1891

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1 (140 reads)

show those dear but erratic people how things might be done decently and in order, and I had settled it all in my own mind and taken measures accordingly. But dear me! there is that in the air of Cape Breton that breeds adventure and the picturesque, and we might as well try to be Cape Breton here, as to be Boston there. You shall hear. We had settled to take the train at Grand Narrows, at seven o'clock on Thursday morning, and the only question was how we should go to Grand Narrows. We could take the Magnolia at five p.m. on Wednesday, or the Marion at seven; or we could take the Magnolia on Thursday morning at six. We chose the Magnolia on Wednesday afternoon that we might have a chance to see the great Bras d'Or, for in coming it had been dark and threatening rain, and we had seen little or nothing beyond lighthouse points and dim outlines of hills. Besides, as Gardiner said, there was the advantage of being able to fall back on the Marion if things went wrong. Wednesday was a lovely day, and I was out on the verandah almost before my eyes were open, watching the mist on Washaback and the point of Baddeck clear cut in the sun? shine, all else lying in shadow. After _breakfast Mr. McCur? dy left us for the day, as it was his little boy' s birthday, and he had promised to take all the children into the woods for a grand Lighthouse Electrical Services Ltd. ' 155 Peppett St. NORTH SYDNEY Prop. David Mulley Commercial Residential - Marine and Industrial Electrical Complete Line of Electric Heating Products including Radiant Ceiling Heat 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Serving All Cape Breton Areas 794-2652 MacLeod Lorway and You. Partners Prosperity Together we can keep your future bright. • PERSONAL INSURANCE • COMMERCIAL FIRE • CONSTRUCTION • LIABILITY • BONDING • PLEASURE CRAFT • LIFE • TRAVEL 215 Charlotte St., Sydney - Fax 539-4067 celebration. He had worked so hard and so often for our pleasuring that I was glad he was to do a little on his own account. I went upstairs and packed our trunks while Gardiner paddled over to the washer? woman's in search of a stray pocket hand? kerchief. Decently and in order the trunks were packed, locked, and strapped, and I swelled with vanity at the thought of teaching good methods of travel. The wind was strong, so Perrin and the horses and wagonette had come round, with the dray for the trunks so that I might have my choice of carriage or boat in case of a heavy sea, for we were to start from Bad- deck. The trunks went and as the time for going came near, I went up for my hat and coat, still bent on decency and order. At this moment Mabel burst into my room brim? ming over with fun as she said, "You can't go today, for your tickets are in the safe, and no one but Mr. McCurdy knows the combination!" "We can fall back on the Marion," I said, feeling all the advantage of Gardiner's position and knowing that Mr. McCurdy meant to come back for tea. "Yes," said Mabel, "I was only teasing you, and I have ordered tea early and Charles is telephoning into town for Mr. McCurdy." So we settled ourselves once more until nearly teatime, when Mr. McCurdy came in looking very penitent and saying that he had left the safe open on purpose, only he had forgotten to say so! His old father, a man well over eighty, had hunted up the birthday in the woods and brought them all back, and Mr. McCurdy had been in time to see the Magnolia off with the Kennan's on board and to explain -our unnecessary ab? sence. We had hardly begun tea when Charles, who is generally, during meals, kept glued to the telephone, came in and in his staid, official tone, announced, "The Marion ain't goin' tonight; it's so rough outside she ain't come in." The Mar? ion runs to Sydney, the Magnolia only to the Narrows. This was a fix, and Mabel clapped her hands with glee, until Gardiner reminded us that we could take the Magnolia in the morning at six, spend? ing the night in Bad- deck. To this they with one accord objected; we should sleep at Beinn Bhreagh and Charles seemed to think that a four o'clock breakfast would be a treat all around. In the midst of the talk he was again called to the telephone and this time even his breeding failed him, for he came back on the broad grin as he gig? gled, "They say the MacLeod Lorway Insurance 539-6666 (Toll free in Cape Breton)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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