Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 59 > Page 69 - Alex Poirier, Fisherman from Plateau

Page 69 - Alex Poirier, Fisherman from Plateau

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/1/1 (239 reads)

give me a boat. That's the reason I was fishing for the Jersey--Robin Jones. But when my father gave me a boat, well, I was fishing for the Co-op then. (Were there some people who did not like the Jersey firm?) Aw, I don't think. (The Jersey firm)--they always were good peo? ple, you know. Because, you see, they set? tled people good. If you haven't got any money, well, they'll give you money--to pay your expenses. They'll do that. Oh, yes, they'll do that--the Robin Jones firm. They won't see you stuck. (You are one of the oldest fishermen around that I could ask these questions. A lot that are younger, they tell me, "No, no, the Jersey were no good, the Jersey were never fair.") Well, it was the idea of the people because...they didn't want to go in the hole, you know, those firms. They'll Why You Should Buy Less of our Product Nova Scotia Power is a company and our product is electricity. It might be assumed then that our business is selling electricity. But it's not. ??Nova Scotia Power is not in the business of getting people to use more electricity. Our job is helping people to use less energy better. Through Power Smart, an on? going programme designed to encour'e the wise use of enei'. I S Because energy-efficiency is in jj&J;||| the best interest of our com- ''''B pany, our consumers, and our Better for u rs started using enei' more efficiently, we wouldn't have to produce as much. And that means we could postpone paying out the hundreds of millions of dollars (plus interest) it takes to build a new generating plant. (And lower capital costs for us of course mean lower future rate increases for you.) Better on your pocketbook. hi the gnm davs of the first oil crunch, wise enei' use translated as deprivation. Freezing in the dark. Nowadays, it means efficiency Installing a low-flow showerhead and water heater blanket. Caulking your vraidows. Putting in energy-efficient lighting. Using your appliances better Or using bette appliances All simple n yet ones that ( the averse tamih hundreds of dollars ayearinenerg Power Smart will provide you witl the informauon you need to make these responsible enei' choices. We'll also make sure that power-effiueni give you what the fish was worth, and the rest of the money--they were making money on you too. Aw, yeah. They were making mon? ey on you. I was fishing for them, and if I was fishing for the Co-op, well, you know the difference? When I was settled up, if I had been fishing at the Co-op, there's $500 coming to me--with the Robin Jones, they're keeping it. Do you understand that? At the end of the season, when the Robin Jones was making $500 profit from me--that's for themselves. (And when the Co-op made a profit....) Oh, they give it to me. When it came at the spring, you see, when they di? vide that among the people, if there's $500 coming, well, they'll give it to you, you see? The Co-op--it's for yourself. (I guess the Co-op was a wonderful thing.) Oh, it was. Oh, yes, my goodness--the best thing. (So, the Jersey were businessmen.) Yes, they were businessmen. They'd keep so much for themselves, you know. They always keep so much. They didn't give you all the money was in the fish. I may say they'll give you a cent a pound and then they'll sell their fish, they'll make two cents a pound--they'11 keep those two cents. That's business for them. But anything that you wanted--myself, when I started fishing for myself --I went there one time and I bought a boat when I wore out (the boat) that my fa? ther (had) bought for me. So I went to see Robin Jones--and they gave me money to buy a boat for my? self. Three hundred dol? lars. Lent it to me. (When you brought the fish, would they always buy it?) Oh, yes, they'd never send you away. They're too glad to see you give them the fish. I used to be a heavy man fishing, myself. (They) used to buy a lot of fish. Good man fisherman. Fishing mackerel there--well, I was fishing for the plant, then, for the Co-op--we were 7 of us in the boat, jigging--and you know one day we caught 8000 pounds fillets macker? el. Eight thousand. Boat was right full, boy. Big macker? el, you know? God Almighty. Now, there's no mackerel at all My idea is--well, they were all alone, buying fish then, when they came first. They were doing what they like. I think they were there's an eimronmental ,..-.,,. price to pay That's why it only makes sense to use the enei' we have better. If we all just started using electricity more e fficiently we'd significantly cut the consumption of our natural n>s()urces that go into making c ntrg • and the emissions that come And that would make us all breathe a r * ith a new approach towards energy, we can radically reduce the financial and environmental cost of using electricity • without reducing our standard of fiving. It s called being Power Smart. Using less enei' better.
Cape Breton's Magazine
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