Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 61 > Page 4 - Edie MacLeod - Her Glace Bay

Page 4 - Edie MacLeod - Her Glace Bay

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/8/1 (362 reads)

Mira to Louisbourg went out at 11 o'clock, 11:30. and everything stayed open to take care of everybody. It was great. The Woolworth's wasn't the only one that (hired a lot of girls)--the Metropolitan had 40 or 50 girls coming out on Saturdays. Hamburg's. All the different stores right down the whole of Commercial Street, they took on extra help Saturday night. So eve? rybody had a chance to earn a little bit. And it went a long way. Cosmetics were 10 and 15 cents. Hosiery was 15C a pair. Un- Maytlovieri Akd Over 70 Stores & Services Every Last Thursday of Each Month Is SENIORS DAY Come & Enjoy Tea & Cake in the Mall Congratulations on 20 Successful Years! 800 Grand Lake Road, Sydney, N.S. B1P 6S9 Employers Are Educators, Too! At U.C.C.B. Co-Operative Education Works It works for students. It works for you. Co-op employer benefits: • Reduced Hiring Risks • Reduced Recniitment and Training Costs • Higher Employee Retention • Students Available on a Year-Round Basis • Better Utilization of Personnel • You will work with U.C.C.B. to develop a highly trained work force, keeping our Technology Programs relevant to your needs. Information & possible funding: Funding Programs are now available to assist Nova Scotia employers who hire co-op students. Co-operative Education Department University College of Cape Breton P.O. Box 5300, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P6L2 (902) 539-5300, Ext. 109, 350 derthings you could buy for 10 and 15 cents, you know. And movies were IOC in the afternoon and 25C at night. We had the two theatres--the Russell and the Savoy, and they each had 3 changes of program a week. So you could go to a matinee on Monday or Wednesday or Saturday afternoon, see a com? pletely different show--IOC. It was 70 first. At least, it was a nickel in the be? ginning. That's why they called it "the nickel." Then it went up to 7C. And in my time, it went up to 100. It was great. (Dawn Morrison: I'm just real interested in you, the fact that you were working so young, and that you were a woman back in the '20s. It must have been hard.) Well, we enjoyed working. It was.... Each store that had a group of girls would have 2 or 3 outings al*l summer. We always had a clambake, and weinie roast, and a corn boil. Each group. Sometimes you could get in on 2 or 3 stores, if you had a chum in the other store. Clambake--they go out and dig clams, and put an iron sheet over some stones, and fill it with wet seaweed. Build a fire underneath. And when the clams opened, they were ready to eat. At that time, for washing, the women all had big copper boilers about, oh. so big. but about that narrow. They put on their stoves to boil their sheets in, to whiten them. And we'd take one of those and fill it with water and boil the corn in that. Another one would make the tea. i mf M p 1 ''''''k' IP?!' 'Ww% Co-op Programs Include: Business Technology Computer Information Systems Management Paralegal Marketing Accounting Engineering Technology Civil/Construction Environmental Mechanical Electrical/Electronics. Chemical UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF CAPE BRETON And tennis was a great game that year. Obie Smith--do you remem? ber? --he was principal of the schools here--you don't remem? ber. But he came about 1928, a great big man, about 6 1/2 feet tall. But he had one arm that he couldn't use because of polio. It didn't stop him. He played hockey, he played tennis. He got tennis courts going all over town. He had one on the St. Mary's Church grounds, one on Reservoir Avenue. And there were two out at Passchendaele. Every? body played tennis, you know. It was great. We had good times. And of course, there was the beach. Every afternoon, the minute it was warm enough, everybody that --you could see the tracks starting. Everybody walked out South Street. And we didn't go out for suntans. Because, there were no beach houses and no shelter. So what you wore was a skirt--a full skirt--which kept you from getting your legs brown. And when you got to the beach, you pulled that up with the waistband around your neck, and you got undressed underneath
Cape Breton's Magazine
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