Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 61 > Page 39 - L'enfant a la bonne compagnie "The Boy Who Was Good Company"

Page 39 - L'enfant a la bonne compagnie "The Boy Who Was Good Company"

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/8/1 (295 reads)

being unloaded, the captain informed L'enfant k la bonne compagnie, "I give to you my steamboat. I've made lots of money for the company that runs this operation. They gave me the boat and said when I'm tired of navigating, to give the boat to my second mate. At the present time, you're my second mate. You'll take over this boat!" So now the boy was captain of the steam? boat. Once gone out to sea, L'enfant a la bonne compagnie went to his cabin to look in his trunk. He found the letter that the King's daughter had given to him before he left home. He had never opened the letter. He opened the letter only to discover the message, "Remember, we promised each other marriage when we're old enough to get mar? ried." There was also one hundred dollars and the red silk handkerchief with their names written on it. He had left when he was sixteen years old, he was now thirty- two years old. He then went up to the deck and advised his mate, "Change the course." Footcare Footwear Week: Sept. 14-18 Footcare Nurse & Footcare Specialist ivill be on hand Sor consultation. Please call for appointment: Jake Gale • 539-5100 CAPE BRETON BRACE LTD. presents FOOTMAXX FIRST SYSTEM EAST OF TORONTO 85% of all adults complain of: Foot pain Tired legs Sore knees Aching backs Stiff muscles Tingling Numbness He showed his mate which country he needed to go to. The mate thought that this sud? den change of route was strange but he had to listen to the captain. When they arrived at their des? tination which was where the King and Queen lived, he found the King's castle with a nice white bench in front; the King's daughter was sitting there, but also another man, and next to them the King and Queen. They didn't recognize him at all. He was dressed as a captain. He eventually met a fellow on the road that he recognized from when they went to school together. His friend advised him, "The King's daughter is getting married tomorrow!" Many others suffer from: Bunions Callouses Corns Hammer toes Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis) Heel spurs Shin splints Tendonitis (Achilles) The good news is that pain resulting from nearly all of the above symptoms and conditions may be relieved by correcting the way you walk. Your feet are the foundation of your body. With FOOTMAXX COMPUTER GENERATED ARCH SUPPORTS we take the guesswork out of your foot problems, and get you back on your feet again. Would you like to get rid of your foot pain? Then call and make an appointment today! (902) 539-5100 Footmaxx LOW ARCH (Pronation) FOOTMAXX the main alternative to foot pain! The captain ex? claimed, "What! The King's daughter is getting married to? morrow?" His friend replied, "Yes." L'enfant k la bonne compagnie returned to see the king's home. They still didn't know him. When he passed by the daugh? ter, he took out his red silk pocket hand? kerchief and pretend? ed to drop it right at the girl's feet. She picked it up and noticed right away the names she had written in each cor? ner. She recognized the handkerchief..., (The king's daughter went to see the captain....)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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