Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 13 > Page 29 - Sydney Harbour in World War 2

Page 29 - Sydney Harbour in World War 2

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1976/6/1 (577 reads)

?? Duncan MacLeod and his family. The "Lord Strathcona." sister ship to the "Rosecastle." both built in 1915 and both torpedoed in Conception Bay, Newfoundland. Shown here passing under the Quebec Bridge. to Conception Bay. You'd pick up ore there, bring it to Sydney. The Lord Strathcona was torpedoed in Con- ception Bay. In the summer of '.42 we tra? velled in convoy. Oh, sometimes there'd be board, but the captain. We had a warning, but the Saganaga had no warning. She was torpedoed first. The chief mate gave us or? ders to abandon ship. So we were off the ship • not very far from her--when the Lord Strathcona was torpedoed. We picked up 30 ships. Sometimes less. Sometimes we would some of the other fellows • 1 or 2 • that just be in a convoy of ships that were going survived off the other boat. There was only to Newfoundland. And some more times we were 4 or 5 that survived. No men were lost on in a convoy of ships that was going overseas the Strathcona. She went right down. They -to a certain point off Newfoundland. The ships would turn to go overseas and we'd keep on into Newfoundland. I think there were just two ships that went in for iron ore • ourselves and the Sagana'a. We had loaded. And we had to go out in the stream, what they call it, still in Conception Bay. The captains had to go to St. Johns to wait for orders to sail. So he'd usually come back just before he'd have to set sail for the convoy, to meet the other boats. We had gone out an anchored. iVe'd be about a mile from shore. It was in the daytime, shortly after dinner. All hands were pretty well a- put two torpedoes in her. She was down pretty well in the water anyway, loaded with iron ore. Capt. J.D,Pottie: I was on the Evelyn B. anchored in Conception Bay. The first ship that went up was the Saganaga • and she just boom, just like that • she just exploded. The whole centre went out of her and she went straight down. Didn't roll or anything. • So we launched a lifeboat and went over to her, picked up 5 people. 3 we revived. They were more shocked than anything. One fel? low' d been in the engine room; he got blown Camping Supplies Gifts Groceries PIPER'S Restaurant and Trailer Court INDIAN R 0 OK, on the Cabot Trail BRIAND'S CAB Cape Breton TOURS 17.S7/ Fortress Louisbourg Graham Bell Museum Miners Museum Gaelic College see tlie beautiful CABOT TRAIL 564-6161 564-6162 ; • CampGill CampGill Lighthouse Cape Breton Shopping Plaza Sydney River, Nova Scotia CampGill Electrical Supplies Ltd. P. 0. Box 386 Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia Gape Breton * s Mag a2ine/29
Cape Breton's Magazine
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