Page 17 - Percy Peters: The Horse in the Well
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/8/1 (596 reads)Page 16 - Capt. Walter Boudreau's Story: Louisbourg Rescue, 1943, & The Sinking of the Angelus
Page 18 - Percy Peters: The Horse in the Well
Percy Peters: The Horse in the Well Percy Peters. Sydney: I was go? ing to tell you about--I had four horses. And I had a pair of grays, and they were very fond of one another. So it came a snowstorm in December. And by gracious, I brushed them all off, which I always did when I was using them. And oh, the heavy, heavy, heavy snow came. No wind, but oh, heavy, heavy. "By gracious," I thought, "now this is a great time to let them out and have a roll." Horses like that. And there had been frost on the ground. So I turned them out. And I cleaned the other horses off. And so, after a time--I guess I cleaned the stable. And the mare came back, and she was in an awful, awful uneasy way. And I didn't think much of it. So she came back so many times to the barn door. I got to thinking--and why I did this, I can't think--"I'm going to see what is wrong, what is the matter. And he's not with her." So boy, she was so anxious to lead me away to where--and I didn't catch on yet. The horse'd gone across to the neigh? bour's. And there was a well there with a wood cover on it, right at their barn. Of course, there were no cattle or anything there then--this well was sort of aban? doned. And it was--oh, the circumference was--I'd say it was 7 or 8 feet across the top, but it went down. And (the mare) was so worried. She was running back and Keltic Lodge, The Spirit of the Highlands A resort on clifife overlooking the ocean, commanding a view like no other. Special Value Packages Romantic Interlude The champagne is chilled and waiting for you. Fresh flowers, fruit and our own Keltic-made chocolates are already in your room. Get ready to make your escape! Both packages include two nights accommodatimis phis dinners and breakfasts. For information and reservations, call or write: KELTIC liDneE "' tradition of excellence''' forth, running. She was pretty near tell? ing me where that horse was. And it struck me, he is in there. And I went, and here he was--haunches down.... I could see it then, and we visu? alized what happened. Soon as his hind? quarters hit, he cracked it. And then his hind weight hit, he went down, rear end first, and jammed there. (You mean he fell into that well.) Yeah, but rear end first --just like you'd set him down. (Through the wood.) Yeah. Drove the plank, all scattered everywhere. But it was so rot? ten, it didn't do him any damage. You know what I mean, it was all--oh, rotten, like that cushion there, we'll say. It was just there, hanging together. My God, I ran over to the house, and I told the boys--my sons were there. I said, "The gray horse--King--is in the well." Such a day! I said, "We'll have to get the cross? cut saw"--we had no power saws then. "Go and cut a couple of good stout poles and make a tripod." We had the chain pull. I said, "Then, we'll have to get a log...." (You made a lit? tle thing of....) Golf Getaway Are you up to the challenge of the famous Highland Links Golf Course? Designed by Stanley Thompson, it's a par 71 walking course. Keltic Lx)dge, Middle Head Peninsula, Ingonish Beach, Nova Scotia, Canada BOC ILO Tel: (902) 285-2880 Fax: (902) 285-2859
Page 16 - Capt. Walter Boudreau's Story: Louisbourg Rescue, 1943, & The Sinking of the Angelus
Page 18 - Percy Peters: The Horse in the Well
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