Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 64 > Page 37 - Annie Battiste: a Mi'Kmaq Family History

Page 37 - Annie Battiste: a Mi'Kmaq Family History

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/8/1 (275 reads)

job and found a road-paving job that offered $15-20 a day. Irving Henderson was not pleased with this and demanded that John take his family elsewhere. ??''m Annie knew that this move would require her to go home. (When) she explained to her new friend Harriet Either about her dilemma and having to return to Canada, Harriet offered them her own big farmhouse with two floor levels. It was old and cold in the win? ter, but it could offer them a place until they found a better place. They would only have to pay $10 a month rent. The house had a stove and electricity for the first time. John bought a wringer washing machine and they lived there until it started to get cold. The house was very cold, so they moved next to a house in Linneus, Mrs. Libby's house. Harriet Either had no children and fre? quently visited Annie in her camp and urged Annie to bring the children to her big house. She was a kind woman who loved chil? dren but had none of her own. When Annie became pregnant again in 1949, Harriet helped with caring for the children and gave Annie a baby shower with Harriet's friends to help her out. When Annie re? turned from the hospital with a new baby girl, Mrs. Either was thrilled to greet them. The baby was a light-complexioned girl with light-coloured hair. Harriet looked at Annie's life of poverty and, be? ing childless, she asked Annie if she might (have) this new baby. Annie was indignant. She might be poor, but she would never give her child. Eut she did allow Harriet to name the child, who was called Marie Ann after her niece who was named Ann Marie. In Linneus, the Eattiste family lived in a little bungalow of two bedrooms, kitchen, and sun porch. In 1952, when Annie and John had gone to town and Eleanor was home babysitting the two siblings, a fire started in the home. Eleanor was 11 years old. She got the two girls out and they stood holding a broom and basket of clothes while the house billowed with TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE EXPLORE Uulgr: (902) , FAX (902) bunties Regional library )y Street, P.O. Bag 2500 N.S. BOE 2G0 Your Public Library has to explore the natural Bird Watching Animal & Marine Life Nature Tours & Hiking NOVA SCOTIA'S WILDERNESS everything you need history of Nova Scotia: Wild Flowers & Herbs Rocks & Minerals Trees & Woodlands ... and much more! Left to right: Eleanor, Marie, and Tommy. smoke. Marie was three years old and Ge? raldine five. Knowing that on Saturday afternoons Tom was taken to the movies by his parents, Eleanor told one of the neighbours to (go get them). Annie and John Battiste were informed by phone that their house was on fire. Annie asked about the children, but the caller did not have the information. When they arrived, they ran to the firemen and asked about the children. No one knew of any children. Complete desolation weak? ened Annie to tears and fear. Eut a neigh? bour soon found her to comfort her with the news (that) the children were all safe at his farmhouse nearby. The December cold did not seem so bad after that. The town of Houlton was alerted to the news of a family in need whose house had burned and all their goods were lost. Since Christmas was fast approaching, the town's people prepared a hasty charity drive to help this family through their difficulties. They asked for anything any? one had to give. One good neighbour of? fered one month rent-free to live in his Nickerson Lake cottage and $20 a month af- The Markland a coastal resort Kel kelax in our luxury log suites and dine on our gourmet food featuring local fish and lamb. ihrill to the play of light and shadow as they dance over the northern seascape. For reservations in the Maritimes call 1-800-565-0000. Or ask the operator for your toll free Check Inn number. Local phone (902) 383-2246 Cabot Trail, Dingwall, Nova Scotia, BOC IGO, Canada
Cape Breton's Magazine
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