Page 2 - With Evelyn Smith, Wreck Cove
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1 (313 reads)Evelyn's brothers: above, a very young Danny MacDermid; right: Eddie and Kenny MacDermid couldn't do normal physical work, somehow I always thought that the mind was there and able to communicate.) Oh, the mind was there. I don't remember my mother before the stroke. And that's strange,; too. Why would I blot that out? I was 7 years old. And I often wish I could remember her be? fore the stroke, but I can't. The first memory I have is just the days that she got sick--from then on, you know. I guess it was a pretty bad time. That's why I re? member that. But before that--nothing. (When you say it was a pretty bad time, what do we mean?) Well, it was something that wouldn't need to have happened, what happened to her, according to what I know about it. She was 48 years old. She was healthy, and hard-working. Everyone had to "Enjoy superS dining in a re[a?(in?? & [u?(urious atmospftere SPECIALIZING IN CHINESE CUISINE Canadian Dishes also available FULLY LICENSED TAKE OUT & DELIVERY ORDERS Major Credit Cards Accepted m'""""' 'm |)ekin0 Restaurant 355 Charlotte Street Dowritown Sydney Tel: 539-7775 Open daily] 1:00 ann be. then. And this was in July at lobster-fishing time. And she went out to milk the cows in the morning, after my father had gone out fishing. And Annie Mae was the oldest in the family, and she was getting ready to go down to the (lobster canning) fac? tory to work. She'd have to walk down to Wreck Cove, And--I'm not sure if my mother was able to walk home, I believe she was. But she didn't fin- ' ish milking the cows. And she had a '1 terrible headache, I think Annie Mae "** sent my sister Margaret to the shore u' (for help). But the boats were later ?|' coming in. Annie Mae didn't go to work that day. And my mother went to bed. And I think she was vomiting, too. She was sick--she was very sick. But the headache was terrible. So they sent for Dr, MacDonald, in Murray-- I suppose you've heard of him. And he came, and he diagnosed it as being a bad bilious attack. And to keep her in bed for a few days, and she'd be better. So he left. And she wasn't getting better. And a week went by. I think. You didn't send for a doctor then, you know, every day--they waited. I guess, but she wasn't getting better. So finally my father said. "We're going to send for the doctor again, because you're still in bed--you're not better," So they sent for him again. And he came. But as he was coming up to the house, she took the second stroke. She had taken a stroke the first time. I guess. But she didn't lose her speech the first time. You know, it must have been a very slight stroke. But before he got in. she couldn't speak. The stroke was heavy the second time. If he had diag? nosed her properly the first time, and put her on medication or whatever. I think it would have been avoided, (What year are we talking about?) 1928, Yeah, Then he started and he tapped--I don't know if he took a tap from her spine or something. But it was too late then, anyway. And then she just hovered between life and death for a few weeks, I think, really. But then she came out of it enough so that she was able to walk with help. Year 'Round Christmas Shop Le .Brignolet k 4' FINE GIFTS i Maritime and Canadian Handcrafts and Souvenirs Folk Art and Country Gifts Quality Brass and Imported Gifts Kitchen and Bath Sho' 15 PRINCE STREET SYDNEY BIP 5J4 539-7338
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