Page 32 - Awkward Donald / Domhnall Clibisteach
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/6/1 (264 reads)was kind of disappointed, she knew that it was no cure of the mischance to grumble; and that there was a time for those mis? haps and a time for the ceilidh. She had more work now, washing what Donald had taken off--the clothes--that wasn't an easy task. She had a job to wash the clothes that he had, falling in the mud and all, and spilling the molasses. When he put off the trouser, the dog would not go near him till his clothes were scrubbed for a spell in warm water. He didn't have any other clothes but a shirt and a pair of trousers for Sunday. And he put that on and went out mowing. Once when he was sharpening the scythe, he looked over towards Cross Malcolm's grain field--and what did he see there, let's after call it in English "Blarag"-- his own white-faced cow. And she was after breaking into the field. And Donald knew that there would be war on if Malcolm would J BUS. 625-5135 / FAX 625'851 f HOME 787-2988 liyiusicsTOPj' OPERATED BY: CAIVIERON IVIUSIC SALES 307 GRANVILLE ST. PORT HAWKESBURY, N.S. BOE 2V0 I JOHN DONALD CAMERON r MANAGER GUITARS, VIOLINS J MUSIC BOOKS, DRUMS / SOUND EQUIPMENT & BAGPIPE SUPPUES j • INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS • Footmaxji Systems for '' Custom Arch Supports SHOES! 10% Seniors Up'to-Date Stock of Stylish Shoes Complete Line of ORTHOPEDIC SHOES f. canes • walkers ' for Men, Women, and ChildrenL -crutches ) CAPE BRETON BRACE LTD. 66 Cornwallis Street, Sydney, NS • 539-5100 • dearbh cha b'e sin an siigradh:-- "'N uair chuir e dheth an triubhas. An cOi cha rachadh 'n a dhiil; Gus an deach' a sgCiradh Fad liine le uisge blath." Cha robh de dh'aodach eile aige ach a l'ine is an triubhas a bhiodh air Di-Ddmhnaich. Chiur e air iad sin is dh'fhaibh e spealadh. Uair de na h-uairibh a bha e giarachadh na speal thug e sxxxl a null air p'irce choirce Chaluim Chrosda, is gu d6 chunnaic e ach Bl'rag, t6 de chrodh fh'in, is i an d'idh bristeadh a stigh do'n ph'irce. Bha fios aig Ddmhnall gum b'e cogadh a bhiodh ann nam faiceadh Calum am mart. Thilg e bhu- aithe an speal is leum e null do'n ph'irce ach gu mi-fhortanach 'n uair a bha e dol seachad air a' challaid chaidh stob an cxl na triubhais a shrac suas i gu bann. 'N uair chuir e Bl'rag ann am priosan 'n a 'ite fh'in, thill e do'n spealadh. Bha e ann an trioblaid ach ciamar gheibheadh e an triubhas a ch'radh los gum biodh i air anns an eaglais am m'ireach. Cha deanadh e fh'in t'illearachd, is ged bha Catriona cdir, cha bu chdir a s'rachadh. Mu dheireadh thuirt e ris fh'in gum b'fhearr dol dachaidh is an triubhas a thoirt do Chatriona gus a c'radh. O'n bha'n latha cho breagha is an t-'ite cho uaigneach dh'fhaodadh e tilleadh a spealadh ged nach biodh air ach a l'ine. Sin a rud a rinn e, mat', agus sin 'n uair thuirt Catriona Ghleusda:-- "'S e do chlibistean a 16ir mi, Tha thu nis am freasdail 16ine; A' falbh mar chreutair bhiodh gun n'ire." Thill Ddmhnall do'n ph'irce is bha hiigan 6ilidh aige air spealadh fad iine bhig, ach mar bha'n driodfhortan an d'n dha, c6 th'inig ann an sealladh dha ach Anna Ghob? ha is i air rathad goirid a ghabhail do'n tigh aige. 'N uair a thuig i an staid 's an robh e, chuir i roimpe gum biodh spdrs aice air. Ghabh i stigh do'n ph'irce ach BUTTERNUT Anytime's Butternut time EASTERN BAKERIES LTD. Complete Range of Quality Bakery Products for Retail Restaurant & Food Service 564-4531 1-800-565-4532 FAX 564-1288 JOHNSTONE STREET • SYDNEY WAYNE MacDONALD - SALES MGR.
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