Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 68 > Inside Front Cover - Duncan H. MacDonald's Letter

Inside Front Cover - Duncan H. MacDonald's Letter

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1 (371 reads)

Duncan H. MacDonald's Letter John D. MacDonald told us the story several years ago. He said that he and his three brothers were serving in Eu? rope during World War Two. And every Sunday night, his father Duncan H. would write a letter to each of his sons. In August 1944, word came to Aspy Bay that Charlie had been killed In action and Gordon was taken prisoner-of- war. The following Sunday, Duncan H. wrote to each of his sons.... August 1944 Dear Charlie & Gordon, Again on this fine Sunday aftemoon we write you these lines as oft we done in answer to your welcome cheerful and never failing letters which Sorry to relate we receive no more and Dear Charlie you have made the Supreme Sacrifice and your body rests far away from your native Shores and Kindred but we trust and Pray that your Soul is at rest with god in his Eternal home and Gordon we Still have hopes that you are Still living and will retum to us and if fate Proves otherwise we hope Your soul is in that happy haven. Tomorrow would be your thirty fifth birthday Charlie and in my minds eye I can Plainly see you as a little lad with your little Pail earring cold water from the old Spring later Plod- I ding to Post Of- ' fice for our mail and telling us Tall Stories of the Germans you had met on way and destroyed later on but when Seven years old travel? ling miles to School alone then later in years leaving the Pa? rental roof and going to North River lumber Wood later on to wheat fields of Alberta then home again on the Rawleigh Route with your faithful horse Jumbo. Thence to Gyp? sum Plant at Dingwall and when 1 heard our country was at war I well knew Duncan H. and his wife "Robert" (Flora by your ideals Wiilena) MacDonald The four MacDonald boys at war. Clockwise from top left: Norman, Gordon, John D., and Charlie. Charlie was killed the day after D-Day. Gordon was taken prisoner-of-war. you would be one of the first loyal boys that would enlist for country & freedom and it takes lots of courage to leave home loved ones and friends and embark on the great ad? venture you and all your brothers we well knew would be in ranks only ye did not wish we be left alone and we are Proud to be the Parents of Such a family but we miss the empty chairs. But ye got your Patriotism honesdy from your forebears. Well do I remember being thrilled by fa? ther with the tales of the exploits of Nelson at Trafalgar Wellington at Waterloo Wolfe at the Plains of Abraham and in our countries early days Singing the Praises of MacDonald Tupper and Cartier and you Charlie visiting LETTER CONTINUES ON PAGE 39 FROM DUNCAN H. MacDONALD'S DIARY: May 2nd: Set nets. 5th: Two plaster boats. 6th: Shovelled snow? banks. 26th: John D. wounded in Italy. 27th: Put in potatoes. June 3rd: Strong N.E. wind with rain and snow. 6th: Allies start invasion of France. 7th: Charles and Gordon reported missing in action.... July 5th: Christy left for Sydney. 8th: Thomas MacDonald killed in action. 18th: Began haying. August 8th: Received word that Charlie was killed in action June 7th. Sept. 1st: Christy and Robert to Sydney. 2nd: Johnnie Wilkie, Joe Alex and I to Sydney Mines. 6th: N. D. wounded in Italy. Oct. 6th: Charlie MacAskill wounded in France. Finished digging 32 bushels. John A. MacNeil killed in action in France.... FRONT COVER PHOTOGRAPHS: Stephen MacDonald, Bette MacDonald, and Leon Dubinsky
Cape Breton's Magazine
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