Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 68 > Page 16 - Misery at Louisbourg: Aftermath of the First Siege, 1745

Page 16 - Misery at Louisbourg: Aftermath of the First Siege, 1745

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1 (372 reads)

lisbury • 'this day mr Samuel Winslow dyd • as did one Tarbell of Woodstock • belonging to capt: [Palmer] Golding • night citadell and Hospitall • this day • capt: [Thomas] perkins, re? tumd • with a Number of french men that had obscondd • a brave Exploit • 8 and Sabbath: citadell, and Hospi? tall. preachd • in the forenoon in the Hospitall chappell • in the aftemoon at the citadell chappell • doctor Bullman, is very bad • 'this Evening mr Winslow was burid • 'Evening • citadell and chappell Evening • a visitt • Octobr 30. 1745. moming citadel • the coUonell better • I visitd a poor Sick • man, at capt: [John] Lights and prayd • with him: waitd • upon the Governor • had a word with him. and visitd • 'mr Shore • and at one of the Barracks • and prayd. and accidently Wait • into another Barrack • where I found poor mr E • [Ebenezer] Ray- nolds • very Sick • I discoursd with him • and prayd • with him • I am much concemd for him • 'retumd home • and heard that Lt Mun [John Man] was poorly of it • 'had a strong invita? tion from the Admirall to dine with • him • I went • 'there was the Govemour • and we had a Splendid Entertainment in? deed • it is the kings Birthday • the company very modest • and decent • . I took leave Early • and went and visitd • one [Preserved] Smith • at collonell [William] Williams who is very ill • indeed • and prayd • went to capt: [Isaac] Coltons • and prayd with them • after prayer • went into the Barracks • and prayd with Several] Sick men, of capt: [Bartholomew] Trows company • and then visitd • Joseph Cooley and James Wood • and prayd with them • I hope Joseph Cooleys indispo? sition is only a cold • 'visitd dr [Gillam] Taylor • who I hope is Better • the Lord, be praisd • for his Good,ness to me • who or what am I, that I should be preservd • and kept • in health • when others are in distress • . this day two men dyd at the Grand Battery, and an Indian of capt: Lawrences company, and a man of capt: [Peter] Hunts company • and one of capt: [Am- mi Ruammah] Cutters • men 31 moming Citadel and then • went and Baptized • a child of one Sanders of Methuen • the child • being not like to Uve • as was apprehendd • 'namd John then visitd • Lt Mun • etc. and prayd with them, the Lt • and John Ashley • are Speach-less and 1 think Senseless • oh Lord God be pleasd to help them • . when I retumd • 'to the city, I visitd at the collonells and prayd in two rooms • and then went and prayd with one [Preserved] Smith • at collonell [William] Williams • who I sopose is dy? ings • dind with the Governor • visitd mr [Ebenezer] Raynolds and prayd with him • and with Charly Whiteing • after Eve? ning prayer • visitd • collonell [Simon] Lothrops Kinsman prayd • with him this day John Barry, Roland Flood, John Clark, John Lite, William Crow, Joseph Nible, and a Sergt of collonell [Joseph] dwights company • and John Moses • were burid, and one of the men of warrs men. and a french man • Nov: 20 I am amiss this moming but yet thro Gods goodness Wm. Pepperrell and P. Warren to Wm. Shirley, Lbg., 28 Jan. 1745/6: ...We have only to advise you the sickness which you left among us has continued to rage to such a degree that from ye last of Nov. to this date we have buried 561 men, and have at this time 1100 sick. We flatter ourselves from ye burials of three or four days past not amountg to more than 3,4, or 5 of a day, wn be? fore were generally fi-om 14 to 17, that the distemper abates. However, it has reduced us to less than a thou? sand men capable of doing duty in the garrison. am able to set up • I desire to cast all my cares upon the Lord • this day I hear that mr Spears is come down as a chaplin, with capt: [Elisha] doan. • and mr [John] Newman came a day or two ago • the Lord be pleasd to be with them and make them faithful in the work, this day or Last night dyd one of the Gene- rails company, and 2 of coUnell [Jere? miah] Moltons men and 2 of capt: King, and one of capt: [Peter] Hunts I had a comfortable night • considering my indisposition • 'restd considera? bly • Sweat Some • 'but have nothing of pain considerable • . I am in the Hands of an Holy and merciful Sove? reign • and there I desire to be • FAX 62M851 , HOME 787- fflf/USICSTOP' CAMERON MUSIC SALES 307 GRANVILLE ST. PORT HAWKESBURY, N.S. BOE 2V0 GUITARS, VIOLINS IVIUSIC BOOKS, DRUMS SOUND EQUIPMENT & BAGPIPE SUPPLIES > INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS • JOHN DONALD CAMERON 21 I feel more comfortably this mom? ing Breakfastd upon Tea and toast • and feel • more lively • but before noon felt more dull and Heavy • at noon Eat a Uttle fresh pork, and Butterd Turnip • dr Whitworth came in, when I was setting down, to dinr • and says he will call again, towards night • the Lord be pleasd to direct him, to what is proper to be done • 'this day fourty year ago, I arrivd at Boston, from Canada, where I had been a pris? oner • 'thus the Lord has waitd upon me fourty year • 'but alas, how often howe I have Grievd him, and badly abused his Goodness • 'the Lord be pleasd graciously to pardon and accept me, for the Sake of j x [Jesus Christ]; amen. John Stevens in capt: [Jonathan] Baglies company, and collonell [Robert] Hales regiment • and Michael Bently of capt: marshalls company, in collonell [Jeremiah] Moltons Regment were burid the doctor visitd me in the Evening, and told me the Symptoms were Such with me, that he thot a vomitt • was necessary • I took a vo- mitt, it workd • well • I went to bed, and Sweat a great deal, voidd much urine • 'the colonell Went and Lodgd with collonell [WiUiam] Williams, and Woodberry, Lay in the room • I have no distressing racking pain • but very Heavey oh Lord • I am thine, save me I beseech thee with Everlasting Salvation • 'this is my desire. 22 this moming • I feel free from pain • 'the collonell came Home and prayd with us before I got up, after 1 got up • I felt dull • and Lay down again • but was able to drink some Fresh Broth brot from the Admiralls • the dr thinks my pulse is more calm • Songs continued to be made. Bits of doggerell found their way into diaries, such as this from an anonymous journal from the 1745 Siege: Faire Well Cape : Britton faire well all you fases that Bread Such Dis : greases a gainst Soldiers that are True to their King for I Boldely Do Say If they once git a way You will Be hard Foot to it to Catch them agin. For help in preparing this article, our thanks to Laura Peverill, Librarian, University College of Cape Breton, and to Charles Burke, archeologist, Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park. Chaplain Williams' selection is taken from Louisbourg Journals 1745, edited by Louis Effingham de Forest, and pub? lished by the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Senator's Place, Third Floor, 70 Main Street GLACE BAY, NS BIA 4X9 Telephone 849-0544 • Fax 849'549 Glace Bay • New Waterford • Dominion • surrounding area
Cape Breton's Magazine
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