Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 68 > Page 46 - A Visit with Clara Buffet, Glace Bay

Page 46 - A Visit with Clara Buffet, Glace Bay

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1 (276 reads)

expected. And there's no recourse. You'd never think of going and suing anybody.... And the church had its power. I know my own family--my mother and father, rather-- were great churchgoers. And my father was superintendent of the Sunday School. Of course, he was Presbyterian. And for some reason, the minister at St. Paul's Church got it into his mind that he was an awful drunkard. So he got him up this morning in the church, and bawled him out, and told him he was an awful drunkard and get out of the church and never come back. Which he did! Which was one of the worst things that could have happened to him. Because he was a very devout person. And there was no recourse. Now, none of those people that knew my father socially or any (way) --no one got up to say a word, in defense. A lot of people left the church. But they didn't fight it, you see. That's the dif? ference, from now. They'll fight, now. together. "What difference does it make?" (Shirley Chernin: Was she the only woman on the school board?) Oh yes, oh yes. (Shir? ley: Hasn't been another one since, for years.) No, not until--1980's. (Cape Bre? ton's Magazine: Your mother was on in the '20s, and you don't think there was another woman on the school board for the next 60 years?!) That is correct. (And your father--did he run for a particu? lar office?) No, no, he was not interested in that. He was a very quiet-living man, in his home and his garden, and his business. And that's all that he would do. He was a very kind, kind father, as I remember. (Let's go back to little Clara now. What did you want to be...?) No, I had no desire to be anything. (Nor any encouragement to be anything?) Well, there was no money, for one thing. Because that was Depression, you see. I got my high school.... (Your mother went into politics, and actual? ly ran for something like the school board.) Yes, and got elected to the school board. It would be the early '20s. Because I was born in 1910. Certainly it was after the First World War. (You were old enough to be embar? rassed.) Yes. Oh, yes. I think I was in Grade 6 or something like that. I just could feel myself cringing. Not that she ever came into the classroom and said anything. She just sat and watched what was going on.... But they got rid of her. I think she served two years. And it was the church that got rid of her, be? cause she wanted to amalgamate, to get these young people 'Experience a New World of Shopping" A collection of Maritime handcrafts, Canadian pine, woolens, folk art, country clothing, gifts and accessories. Major Credit Cards Accepted A Cape Breton Country Store OPEN DAILY (902) 295-2868 Chebucto Street Baddeck (You were 15 during the 1925 strike.) That's right. I remember all that, and the fires, and the troops in. Of course, we thought that was kind of glamorous, you know, with the big horses. But when I saw the horses roaring around the streets, I didn't think it was so glamorous at all. And going up the post office steps, charg? ing people--! didn't think that was funny then. But yet, I wasn't motivated to do anything. There was no--I would never think of going to my friends and saying, "We should do something." Like so many of the youngsters do now. It just amazes me, that they say, "Well, we'll get all the"-- beer bottles or trash cans, or something like that. At a very early age, they will do things like that, now. But, we couldn't. We had no.... (Shirley Chernin: Welcome to Baddeck! ..'.'' TELEGRAPH HOUSE m the heart of B ADDEC K, where you will find gracious dining m an elegant setung. A truly delightful Maritime Scottish Breakfast, Businessman's Lunch, and Daily Dinner Specials. Children's Orders as well. Open Every Day of the Week • Fully Licensed Dining Room Relax in the warmth of open fires, stroll at your leisure thru this historic house where courtesy and hospitality have tieen a tradition for over 100 years. A place to free the soul. Inquire About Our Weeltend Room Rates • CALL 295-9988 No role models.) (Cape Breton's Magazine: You had your moth? er .... ) Yes, she was a good civic worker. But after her experience with the school board--because that affected our business-- see, it backed up into busi? ness. So my fa? ther said, "Now, keep it cool. We have to make a Yellow Cello Cafe j-s' ' Bakery Pizza 'X '..oo*" 295-2303 ..6' ''c''' iX*'" %*" e* III--, Outdoor j Terrace Facing the { Wharf in > [baddeck]
Cape Breton's Magazine
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