Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 69 > Page 30 - Voyage from Boularderie to Waipu

Page 30 - Voyage from Boularderie to Waipu

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1 (280 reads)

is so deep in my natural parts. I never intend to pray neither do I intend to go to heaven, but I do believe that I with a great many of my shipmates (will) go together to Davy Jones' Lock? er. A sentimental sailor would not do, for the moment they get religious they must quit the sea and go to preach gospel to the landlubbers, and have no word about his old shipmates, who put their life in jeopardy for his and their sake • let our blood be on their heads." The wind blew stiffer through the night, with light showers of /30th dav OUt' '''' '' looking very squally. Through the j -> ff 1 offo I ''y '' ''' ' ''S't breeze but could not lay yan. 25, lo'oj q'' course being 3 pts out of it. Although a pretty strong breeze would come on in these Lattitudes the sea will not rise like as it will in the gulf. In the afternoon we esp? ied a ship bound to the northwest but did not come within hail? ing distance. Through the night the wind continued rising a little. About 4 o'clock in the morning we were startled out of our sleep by a shrill note blown on a trum? pet, which was an intimation from Neptune, 31st day out Jan. 26,1858J that he came aboard, and that we were crossing the Equator. We crossed in longitude 31? West. Through the day the wind was lighter, carried full sail, and go? ing at a good rate. The day was fine with a clear sky. In these climates immigrants should be very careful, that they should not unnecessarily expose their heads to the sun, nor in the night time to the moon. The covering for the heads of both sexes should be straw hats, with paper inside the crown. Paper is a good preserver from sunstroke. We had some persons aboard who were very sick from that cause, and especially by sleeping with their faces towards the moon. The most suitable clothing for such a voyage in my opinion, is moleskin or strong duck pants and flannel shirts, for which I will give the following rea? sons. It is impossible to use clothes so mercifully or keep them as clean aboard ship as we could at home or ashore. The strong? er the material in clothes, the better. Also Flannel being a bad conductor of heat no other kind should be used. When on deck at night additional clothing should be worn, a coat made of homemade cloth would answer the purpose very weU. As for food: Potatoes should not be used for they are a regular nui? sance aboard ship, they rot very quick, and at the best they only contain 25 percent of nutritive good. A little of them Pickled would be very useful. If the immigrant intends to take any veg? etables, which no doubt are very useful!, let him take a small quantity of various sorts such as cabbage, carrots, turnips, beets, etc, etc, all pickled in different strong crocks well cov? ered, and kept in rough strong box, but any evil disposed per? sons be aboard, as in our case, he must watch his effects pretty close, or he will risk the danger of having them destroyed as well as consumed. Of meat there is no use in taking too large a quantity, as if it is not properly packed and salted, it will decay in a short time. Mutton and Pork are the best kind of meats to take, a little fish would be useful, for a change. Our bread made at home previous to sailing will preserve an in? credible long time. It must be kneaded quite thin and nothing used in baking it but water. The least flour that could be used the better, because it is more costive than any other. As for wa? ter when any time aboard ship in a warm climate, it gets a bad taste and for the remedy of such an evil the immigrant should be well prepared by having a supply of firstrate quality lime juice. He should be very careful in purchasing this article as it is in a good many cases found worthless. Good vinegar is found very useful to put in water as a change. People in these warm climates are very liable to diarrhea, fe? vers, etc, therefore they should have a little medicine at their own expense, such as cream of tartar which when a drink is made of it is very serviceable to assuage fever. One part cream of tartar mixed in gin and molasses is very useful to cleanse the blood and regulate the bowels. I knew one case in which it gave great relief in Rheumatism. Diarrhea another disease very liable to passengers can be cured in a very simple manner, that is, if taken in time, and very sel? dom it will fail to cure, if so taken. The following is the recipe. Take a tumbler full of strong dark brandy, which pour into a larger dish. Bum some loaf sugar over the brandy by means of a bar of iron made red in the fire, on which place the sugar, and as it drops, it will set fire to the brandy, leave burning for one ~ Our 25th Year in Business < Canso Realties Ltd. Box 727 Port Hawkesbury, N. S. BOE 2V0 * Phone (902) 625-0302 * We carry 300 listings of property for sale in Cape Breton and Eastem Nova Scotia. JIM MARCHAND ? BROKER (y' ' i_ii/iiTEn 110 Reeves St. ' SYDNEY, N. S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS "Serving Cape Breton Over 35 Years" SPECIALIZING IN: • INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL • INSTITUTIONAL • RESIDENTIAL ?? WIRING CONTRACTORS • MAINTENANCE SERVICE] ?? ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS • FREE ESTIMAT S 562-1132 FAX 526-1699 30
Cape Breton's Magazine
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