Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 71 > Page 45 - Voyage of the Vandora to St. Pierre in Gaelic from MacTalla 1900, translated into English by Kay MacDonald

Page 45 - Voyage of the Vandora to St. Pierre in Gaelic from MacTalla 1900, translated into English by Kay MacDonald

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1 (319 reads)

sn'mh, cumail rithe. Sheas iad air a chlar-uachdair ga choimhead, gun oidhearp air bith a thoirt air a theasairginn, gus na dh' eigh e ruitha am b&ta; chuir a mach. Bha 'm bita lin connaidh 'us eile, agus bha na raimh fo 'n fheur air a chlar- uachdair. Ach chaidh na sedid air obair agus fhuair iad am b'ta 'chuir am mach; ach bha Domhnull cho fad air falbh 's nach fhaiceadh iad e; ach 'nuair a dh' eireadh e air barr nan tonn chitheadh esan iadsan ged nach fhaiceadh iadsan esan, agus dh' eigheadh e riutha, "Gabhaibh mar so!" Fhuair iad a steach e mu dheireadh, agus she61 iad air falbh. Cha robh iad fad air falbh 'n uair thainig feith 'us ce6, agus bha an sruth gle lai? dir 'gan toirt leis an taobh bha e dol. Air an ath latha 's ann a fhuair iad iad- fein a stigh anns a chladach a' measg na sgeir-thonn, agus a bheinn mhor os an cionn. Cha robh gaoth ac' a thogadh air falbh iad, agus bha 'n sruth 'gan toirt gus na creagan. Thilg iad a mach an acaire agus smaoinich iad ciod a dheanadh iad. Nan d' thigeadh gaoth air aghaidh a chla? daich cha robh se61 ac' air iad fh'in a sh'bhaladh. Chunnaic iad geodha beag eadar da sgeir, agus smuainich iad feuchainn ri dol air tir ann sud. Chuir iad a mach am b'ta. agus chuir iad innte na bha do bhiadh aca, agus dh' fheuch iad ri faotainn gu tir. Fhuair iad a steach s'bhailte, agus bha iad an sin r6 na h- oidhche sin. Bho nach robh aca ach beagan bidh, agus gu 'n fhios aca c'uin a gheib- headh iad air falbh, ghabh Ruairidh Friseal riaghladh a bhidh. Fhuair esan losgadh a chorraig roimhe; oir bha e air fhuadach air falbh ann an soitheach gillean a Mhinisteir 'ic Le6id, gu ruige cladach Newfoundland, gun bhiadh gun deoch fad moran laithean, gus mu dheireadh an do dh' ith iad seann chat a bha fada marbh anns an tuime. Bha Ruairidh gu math gann ris a bhiadh, ach cha robh cothrom air. Bha muir co garbh air a chladach 's nach robh e s'bhailte dhaibh feuchainn a mach gus an t-soitheach. An 'UBUJflV' 3 Great Locations to Serve About halfway across, the wind was pretty strong behind them. When Donald was opening the foresail to put it to the other side, the boom came down and threw him overboard. He hit the water on the broad of his back, as if he had hit a board. He turned around and started swimming after the vessel; but since the halyard of the sail had not opened, she would not come round for them. So Donald, although he was good to swim, could not keep up to her. The others stood on the top deck looking at him, without making any attempt to rescue him, until he called to them to put out the boat. The boat was full of wood and the oars were un? der hay on the deck, but the heroes went to work and they got the boat put out. Howev? er, Donald was so far away that they couldn't see him; when he would come up on top of the waves, he could see them al? though they could not see him, and he would shout, "Come this way!" Finally, they got him into the boat and they sailed away. They had not gone far when fog came and they were becalmed; and the current was very strong, taking them with it in the di? rection it was going. The next day they found themselves in at the shore among the breakers, with the big mountains over their heads. They did not have wind to take them away, and the current was taking them to? wards the rocks. They cast anchor and thought about what they would do. If the wind came towards the shore, they had no way to save themselves. They saw a little creek between two rocks, and they thought they would try to go on land there. They put out the boat and put what food 1102 King's Rd. SYDNEY RIVER 567-1499 You 326 Commercial St. NORTH SYDNEY 794-SUBS 403 Charlotte St. SYDNEY 539-SUBS Ifhe Story Behind The Big Picture ' Nova Scotia harvests some 40 commercial species offish. ' Aquaculture is a growling sector offering new opportunities for diversifvang the fishery. ' w ' Nova Scotia seafood exports account for nearly one-third of total Canadian seafood exports. • Nova Scotia continues to supply high quality value-added seafood products to world markets. For information contact: Department of Fisheries P.O. Box 2223, Halifax, N.S. B3J 3C4 Phone (902) 424-4560 N< Fisheries Jim Barkhouse, Minister A Fishery Wc Can Be Proud Of 45
Cape Breton's Magazine
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