Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 71 > Page 47 - Voyage of the Vandora to St. Pierre in Gaelic from MacTalla 1900, translated into English by Kay MacDonald

Page 47 - Voyage of the Vandora to St. Pierre in Gaelic from MacTalla 1900, translated into English by Kay MacDonald

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1 (355 reads)

tighinn a steach gus a chladach, mar gu 'm bitheadh giomach ann--am muir ga iomain roimhe. Ruith Iain Moireastan a mach na choinneamh agus rug e air, ach thug an tonn am mach iad le cheile, ach chuir an ath thonn suas a dh' uachdar a chladaich iad, far an do choinnich Domhnull iad gus an cuideachadh. Thainig Aonghas agus am b'ta gu tir s'bhailte. Ach bha iad a nise gun bhiadh, agus gun doigh air fhaotainn. Bha iad da latha an sin nan trasgadh. Air uairean bheireadh iad sgriob suas a* bheinn, ach bha an ce6 cho dumhail 's nach fhaiceadh iad ni sam bith. Mu dheireadh thuirt Domhnull nam faigheadh e neach a ra? chadh maille ris gu d' thugadh e ionnsuidh eile air faighinn a mach gus an t- soitheach; oir gum bu cheart cho math leis a bhiithadh ri b'sachadh leis an acras. Thuirt Aonghas gu'n rachadh esan maille ris. Chuir iad a mach am bita agus fhuair iad slibhailte gus an t-soitheach. Bha beagan de mhin- choirce air b6rd, bhleodhainn iad te de 'n chrodh, agus rinn iad stapag, 'us 'n uair a dh' ith iad am feumalachd thug iad biadh 'us deoch do 'n chrodh. Sin mharbh iad molt agus chaidh iad air tir. Chaithris iad an oidh- che sin a rdsdadh us ag ithe na feoile. the mountains, but the fog was so thick that they could not see anything. Finally Donald said if he could get anyone to go with him, he would try again to get out to the vessel; since he might as well drown as die of hunger. Angus said he would go with him. They put out the boat and reached the vessel safely. There was a little oatmeal on board. They milked one of the cows and made "stapag" (a mixture of milk and oatmeal), and when they had eaten, they gave food and drink to the cows. Then they killed a sheep and went back to land. They spent the night roast? ing and eating the meat. The next day they made two big oars so that they could row the vessel out to where they could get a breeze. But neither Rory Ross, nor John Morrison, nor John "the Skye man" would go on board under any conditions. They divided the meat and the other three went on board and left them on land. They rowed the ship out, and in a little while the fog lifted and they caught sight of St. Pierre. They knew then that they had been at Langley beach. They got in to St. Pierre harbour without any more difficulty. Air an ath latha rinn iad da ramh mhor air son gu 'n iomaradh iad an soitheach am mach far am faigheadh iad gaoth; ach cha rachadh Ruairidh Ros, no Iain Moireastan, no Iain "Sgiathanach" air bdrd am muigh no mach. Roinn iad an fheoil 'us chaidh an triuir eile air b6rd, 'us dh' fhag iad iadsan air tir. Dh' iomair iad an soi? theach am mach, agus an ceann beagan Ciine dh' 6irich an ce6 agus chunnaic iad seal? ladh air St. Pierre. Dh' aithnich iad an sin gur ann air cladach Langly a bha iad. Fhuair iad a steach do acarsaid St. Pierre gun tuilleadh dragha. Chunnaic an triuir a dh' fh'gadh air a chladach nach robh math a bhi fuireach na b' fhaide. Dh' fhalbh iad feuch an lorgadh iad taigh, ma bha leithid ri fhaotainn. Bha iad a' falbh air feadh chreag 'us gharbhlach, uair air an casan, 'us uair air an lamhan, 'us uair air an gluintean; oir bha an spruis cho dluth ann am moran 6V>' Lloyd IVlacDonald NISSAN The three that were left on the shore saw that it would not be wise to stay there any longer. They went to see if they could find a house or a settlement, but there were none to be found. They were going Our 37th Year 124 KINGS ROAD SYDNEY RIVER Toll Free 1-800-565-9427 20 CAR SHOWROOM 1997 Pathfinder 4x4 NOW IN STOCK • Also Available in 4-Door • PHARMASAVE DRUGS < healthnotes. Practical Information From Your Neighbourhood Pharmacist -' a free consumer newsletter filled with helpful health information on topics firom sunscreen to calcium supplements . ' , • , AIR MILES. the only'':3e' • drugstore Shrinking the world. where consumers can earn AIRMILES* travel miles and go places *some restrictions apply First drugstore group with an Online Health Centre http://www.pharm.conn/pharmasave The first word in health nnnTEsAVE the last word in value. 47
Cape Breton's Magazine
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