Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 71 > Page 65 - Gabriel Sylliboy Becomes Grand Chief, 1918

Page 65 - Gabriel Sylliboy Becomes Grand Chief, 1918

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1 (618 reads)

Toqo tujiw kujjinu pa'tlia's pekisink nesukunitek elmiwla'kwek, aqq eksitpu'k newkunij meski'k alame's ehtoq, toqo piley I'nuisaqmaw me'tal naso'tluj metklpukua'sit lokjiw patkwi elasutmaqniktuk; aqq kujjinu I'nuipa'tlia's kekina'muajl aqq welimajl, Matio Plasue aqq ktik saqmaw etuikaqamijik kekuna'tijl kiwkto'qu a'papi'l. Aqq Matio elp kelulasnl saqmal, toqo nujinto'q ketapekiejik alasutmaqn, Kjisaqmaw wsitawi'tui'n ntelekeminen. Tujiw kaqia'q alame's ta'n te'sit wen teko'tk na msit weskaqltemi'tij saqmawipesemkeweya, aqq muska'tua'tij ta'n telki'k ksaltimkewey iknmua'tij pile'l I'nuisaqmala. Toqo tujiw na na'kwe'kpa'tha's etlinsituapukuet aklasie'wi'sit. Rev. D. Gillis, wejietaq kjipa'tlia'sewa'kik NaJikitkuniejka, mawi ntawinsituapukuet, na kikna'mukuma mawiwlimatka mi'kmaqa I'nu'ka, aqq weskutkek ta'n teh sa'q wejipkutamkiaq saqmawuti U'nama'kika. Toqo ta'pu ajietek na na'kwe'k tujiw tewa'ltimkip tewa'lut kukmijinu Se'ta'na, na nujintu'ti'tijik wejipkuji ntu'tipnik lamikuomk alasutmo'kuoma mi'soqo na kuntey mikwite'tmaqney eteka, tapusitki'k ki's sa'q aniapsuinukuik pa'tlia'skik pekisinkisnika, toqo elukomi'tis puksukl mawo'tun na na'.te'l toqo nukwa'tuna, na pa teliaqsip, aqq ki's nukwaqek Carrying the statue of St. Anne in the procession, Chapel Island, August 1984. and one-by-one foot square at the crest of a sloping path on Chapel Island]. Two Capuchin missionaries arrived and direct? ed that logs be gathered for a sacred fire. The fire was built and burned while everyone prayed around it. In 1857, seven years before he became Cape Breton's chief, Frank Thomas directed his men to find a rock sub? merged in the water and bring it on shore. They placed the rock near the Capuchins' sacred fire to increase the rock's holiness. Then a cross was placed on it. Every time our grandmother Saint Anne was brought out she was carried to the rock. When the people gathered there, the priest preached about how good it is when Saint Anne is brought out. All the people went to her lap [in the original, wplaqnek to her lap, an idiomatic phrase roughly glossed as "submitting as a child to a parent"] and kissed her foot. A share of bread was passed around for everyone. Everything was completed and the people returned to the church. The choir sang some very holy hymns until they were well back inside. Once everyone had retumed they all went to the altar to kiss the blessed bone re? lic of our grandmother Saint Anne [this relic is currently housed in the church at Eskasoni]. That's how it ended. AGRICULTURAL ACCOUNTANT/ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE/CHEMICAL DEALER/CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER/CONSULTANT/ECONO/ NALIST/REPRESENTATIVE. AGRON< DISTRIBUTOR/N UTRITIONIST/PH YSlL TIONEER.BACTERIOLOGIST.BEEKEEI . . BOTANIST. BUTCHER • CATTLE RANCl ANALYST. COMPUTER ANALYST/OPi SWORKER/SPECIALIST. DIESEL TOMOLOGIST • ENVIRONMENL . WORKER/REPRESENTATIVE/SPECfcr .FARRIER. FEED MILLOPERATORWTII CESSING SUPERVISOR. FOODCH" ??" . GRAIN ELEVATOR OPERATOR. L. . HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. HYDROL WORKER. INTERNATIONAL SPECL CHITECT. LANDSCAPER . LAND : MARKETING ANALYST. MEAT CU' SUPERVISOR. NURSERY OPERATOI CIAN , TIONIST/ SCIENTIS VISOR. R SALES M, SPECIALL PATHOLOGIST. WATER RESOUR( COUNTANT/ASSOCIATION E;' TANT/ECONOMIST/EDUCATOI TATIVE. AGRONOMIST. ANIM- TIONIST/PHYSIOLOGIST/SCIEl BACTERIOLOGIST. BEEKEEPER." . BUTCHER . CATTL[ COMPUTER AN SWORKER/SPECL TOMOLOGIST. El WORKER/REPRESEh . FARRIER. FEED MILLOPERATOR Many people came for the mission, nearly two thousand includ? ing the white ones, and four priests too. And it was very quiet: not a single one of our group was drunk. Most family members were able to get to Saint Anne's. Four hundred and seventy-seven people received Communion and forty children received First Com? munion. On Monday, the fifth day of the month, there was a sal- ite [pronounced SAW-lee-day charity auction, from the French charite] for John Denny and $11.00 was raised. The salite for a Chapel Island woman, John Bat? tiste Prosper's partner, came to $7.50, and for Ruth Paul's child who died in Halifax, his saHte raised $10.00. [For more informa? tion on the salite tradition, see David L. Schmidt's "'Kaqietaq 'All gone': Honouring the Dying and Deceased in Eskasoni" in The Centre of the World at the Edge of a Continent, UCCB Press, 1996.] The money was donated back to Po'tlotek community by an elder [perhaps the baby's grandfather]. IIPMENT DEALER/EQUIPMENT DESIGNER/JOUR- '.IST/GENETICIST/HEALTH PRODUCTS JAL BREEDING TECHNICIArV' AUC- fNEER. BIOPHYSICIST • BIOSTATICIAN GROWER. CLIMATOLOGIST. CREDIT 'lESPERSON . DAIRY FARMER/HERD- '"LOGIST . EMBRYOLOGIST . EN- '"'MENT OPERATOR • 4-H YOUTH ' ?? STER. FARMER/FARM MANAGER ;T/FL0RAL DESIGNER • FOOD PRO- ;yPERINTENDENT. GRAIN BROKER ,iREENSKEEPER. HORTICULTURIST ;R . INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LAB TECHNICIAN . LANDSCAPE AR- 'T. LOAN OFFICER . MACHINIST . ROLOGICAL ANALYST. MILK PLANT iANAGER. PEST CONTROL TECHNI- ST/NUTRI POULTRY , ROLSUPER- fNSPECTOR. ALIST. SOILS ..._ JTERINARIAN SUPERVISOR. AGRICULTURAL AC- TRUCTION ENGINEER/CONSUL- ESIGNER/JOURNALIST/REPRESEN- H PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR/NUTRI- ECHNICIAN/. AUCTIONEER . SICIST. BIOSTATICIAN. BOTANIST CREDIT ANALYST. Y FARMER/HERD- BRYOLOGIST. EN- 'ATOR. 4-H YOUTH _ '.iER/FARM MANAGER IALDESIGNER. FOOD PRO? CESSING SUPERVISOR. FOOD CHEMIST. GEOLOGIST. GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT. GRAIN BROKER For more information on how you can get your career in the Food industry started, contact: The Office of the Registrar Nova Scotia Agricultural College P.O. Box 550 Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5E3 DEGREE& DIPLOMA PROGRAMS OFFERED Nova Scotia Agricultural College Tel: (902) 893-NSAC On the seventh day the elders gathered in the great house and selected several new captains to help the new Grand Chief An? drew Alex of Po'tlotek, our pu- tu's [pronounced boo-DOOSE, the speaker of the Grand Council whose duties included reading an? nually the wampum belt symbol-
Cape Breton's Magazine
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