Page 21 - A Little Visit with Ashley MacIsaac's Parents
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1 (910 reads)A Little Visit with Ashley Maclsaac's Parents (What I'm interested in is where Ashley came from, and I guess that starts out with where you folks came from.) Carmelita Maclsaac. Creignish: Actually, I liked the violin from the time I was growing up. I used to hear the tunes on the radio and I would run--nobody would know--and I'd get two kindling sticks and I'd just be coming back on her in the room. But I'd never let the teenagers know I was doing this. I still can't play. Then, when I met Angus, he took me to a square- dance in Glendale one night. I said, "What in the name of God is this?" You know. And I just joined in. I was never (to a square- dance) until I met Angus. Angus Maclsaac: My dad was Willie A. Macl? saac and, of course, other people from our own area knew he played the violin. He used to play at box socials. He'd join in with another violin player because there was no piano. And he'd play with another violin player because he'd have more vol? ume and that. Many's a night I hid behind the door between the kitchen and the stairs when I was told to go to bed--I was behind the door listening to them. It was out in the country, we were in a farm home, and we didn't have a furnace, of course--I think it was pretty cool behind the door, but I was there anyway. I'd be listening to the fiddlers. I gotta say that I play with it, but I never really got out there and played on my own very much. (Did you take les? sons?) No, I didn't. When I was 19, I guess, I moved to On? tario to work in a tunnel in Niagara Falls. As soon as I got there I was missing the fiddle so much, (after) go? ing to danc? es night af? ter night, that I just went out and CONNORS mOSHOTS & More NOW LOCATED AT OUR MAIN STORE WE CAN PUT YOUR PHOTO ON ALIVIOST OmVIIVmR' ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS ''V'i'l'''r''' OR TAKE A LIVE PICTURE ?? PHOTO MUGS PHOTO SWEATSHIRTS * PHOTO CAPS * PHOTO FRIDGE MAGNETS] ?? PHOTO BUTTONS * COLOUR COPYING PHOTO KEYCHAINS ?? LAMINATING • ?iJjyjJj-faMmatJiil • PHOTO T-SHIRTS AND MUCH MORE! ''JaaLIJa'.WililwiKT'H'I 350 CHARLOTTE STREET, SYDNEY 562-7900 BASICS ' LII/IITEE3 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS "Serving Cape Breton Over 35 Years" SPECIALIZING IN: • INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - INSTITUTIONAL - RESIDENTIAL ?? WIRING CONTRACTORS • MAINTENANCE SERVICE ?? ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS • FREE ESTIMATES 110 Reeves St. SYDNEY, N. S. 562-1132 FAX 526-1699 21
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