Page 41 - Memories of Giant MacAskill In Gaelic from MacTalla, 1893
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1 (2649 reads)Memories of Giant MacAskill in Gaelic from MacTalla, 1893, translated Into English by Kay l/lacDonald Mac Asguill Mor Big MacAskill Tha chuid a's mo d'ar luchd-leughidh eo- lach air a bhi cluinntinn mu Mhac Asguill Mor bho laithean an oige. Tha euid dhiubh eadhon a chuinnic e, 's euid a bha gle eo lach air gu pearsan- ta. Air iarrtus ca- raide, agus air son fiosrachadh na muinn- tir nach cuala bheag mu dheibhinn, tha Sinn a toirt cunntas ath-ghearr air a bheatha, mar a bha e air a sgriobhadh le Mr. Domhnull Mac Le- oid, Munro's Point. Bha Aonghas Mac As? guill, no Mac Asguill Mor, a fuireach air taobh tuath acarsaid St. Ann's, mu dha mhile bho mo dhachidh- sa. Bha m' athair gle eolach air; bha iad gu trie ag iasgach cuid.eachd aig Acarsaid Neill, nuair a bha iad 'nan gillean. Bhu- aithe-san agus bho na coimhearsnich fhuair mi na th'agam de dh-fhiosrachadh mu 'n duin' iomraiteach so. Most of our readers are familiar since their youth with the story of Big MacAs? kill. Some of them have even seen him, and some knew him personally. At the request of a relative, and to inform those who know little about him, we are going to give a short account of his life as it was written by Mr. Donald MacLeod, Mun? roe's Point. Angus MacAskill, or Big MacAskill, lived on the north side of St. Ann's Harbour, about two miles from my home. My father knew him well; they The MacAskill home at Englishtown often fished together at Neil's Harbour when they were boys. From him and from the neighbours, I received the information that I have about this renowned man. B'e 'n t-iasgach an obair bu bhitheanta bhi- odh aig daoine 'n aite so aig an am ud, agus na oige lean Aonghas mar an ceudna an obair Patriot Cafe and Ice Cream Shoppe featuring CAPE BRETON MADE "Kate's Ice Cream' DOCkmateS Leisure Clothing '""'Sri T-Shirts - Fleece Jackets - Tartans - Siueats - and lots morel Framed Art Crafts • Souvenirs Local Artists Nautical Gifts 7535 Main Street LOUISBOURG (LEWIS & CO. BLDG.) 733-2326 • Gifts for All Occasions • Fishing was the customary work for men here at that time, and in his youth Angus fol? lowed that line of work, together with his father and brothers. His father was a small man, but he was very strong for his size, and his mother was a little taller than av- lerage. They were both born on the Isle of Lewis and it was there that their son, whom I am writing about, was born as well. They had five other sons and two daughters, and they were of average size and strength. Most of them are still living. COFFEE SLUSH HOT DOGS and SNACKS Jewellery Excellent Assortment of Local Music (CD's & Tapes) and Books 11 Commercial Street GLACE BAY 849-6552 or 849-1030 Up until he was sixteen years of age, Angus had not grown more than average in size and Real Estate & Insurance "If you're thinking of selling your home, give us a call." Serving Industrial Cape Breton and North Victoria R. Hickey & Co. p. O. Box 96, North Sydney B2A 3M1 Gerald Brennan Jr., Mgr. "And remember: No sale, no charge." 794-3119 41
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