Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 72 > Page 45 - Memories of Giant MacAskill In Gaelic from MacTalla, 1893

Page 45 - Memories of Giant MacAskill In Gaelic from MacTalla, 1893

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1 (458 reads)

fheuchinn. An deigh moran tataidh dh- aontich Mac Asguill a dhol ris, agus mun robh fhios aig an fhear eile c'aite 'n robh e, bha e air a thilgeadh gu ceann thall an taighe a measg bharailtean us bhocsichean. Bha Munroe ag innse an deigh sin gu robh cnapan air a chliathichean far an d'rug e air. Am feadh sa bha e 'g iasgach, mar a thuirt mi roimhe, thanig duine geur de Shasunnach da'm b'ainm Dunseath an rathad, agus air dha Mac-Asguill fhaicinn, rinn e suas na inntinn fein gum biodh e na dheagh ghnoth- ach dha a thoirt leis do thiribh cein gus a bhi • ga shealltuinn mar ioghnadh. Mar sin an deigh moran tagraidh dh-aontich Mac-Asguill falbh. Rinn Mr. Dunseath moran airgid a bhliadhna sin 'ga shealltuinn an Nobha Scotia, an Canada, 's anns na Stai- tean; cha robh Mac Asguill ach air thua- rasdal aige agus uime sin cha d'rinn e mo? ran beairteis. Ach air an ath bhliadhna rinn e cordadh eile ri Mr. Dunseath. Bha an t-airgiod ri bhi air a roinn eatorra, uiread us uiread aig gach fear, agus air an doigh sin rinn e sporan math airgid. Air an turns so bha e fhein us Tom Thumb air an sealltuinn cuideachd, agus bu shealladh ri fhaicinn an t-eadar- dhealachadh a bh' eatorra, agus an luaths leis an rachadh Tom Thumb troimh chleasan araidh maille ri Mac-Asguill. Dhannsadh e air a bhois, leumadh e o laimh gu laimh, agus an sin chuireadh am fear eile na phocaid e. An ath bhliadhna 'n deigh sin, ghabh e aig fear eile air an aon chordadh. Air an tur? ns sin chaidh a thoirt air beulaobh na Ban-righ, a thuirt gu robh i gle thoi- lichte fhaicinn gu robh fam- hairean 'gan arach an Al? ba Nuadh cho math sa bha ann an Seann Alba. Tha- ghail e mar an ceudna • sna h- Innseachan an-Iar, far n d'fhuair e 'n t-ainm Beinn- ' DON'T MISS THE ' WORLD Famous Fishing Boat Races a Whole Family Festival on St. ANN'S Harbour from Jersey Cove August 16,1997 sponsored by < North Shore & North River y. ' Volunteer Fire Dept. > Indies, where he was given the name "Moun? tain Caskill." When returning from those islands, the ship he was on was pursued by pirates, and except for his might and pow? er, it would have been seized, and every? one on board would have been killed. After that he was in New Orleans, where a wager was made that he could not lift a ship's anchor weighing a ton. He lifted the anchor easily on his shoulders, but when he was letting it down, it hooked on his shoulder and he was never the same after that. Many are of the opinion that this had something to do with causing his death. He went to Spain, where he saw bull fights and many other things that he had never seen before, and which did not appeal to him. Although Spain was the country where he made the most money, he became tired of it and of its customs and was longing to go home. When he arrived home he was in poor health. He started trading and fish? ing salmon, and he prospered well. He bought farms for each of his brothers and he left them all well off. In eve? ry move he made he proved that he was kind and hon? ourable, and he was a man of good conduct all his life. He was only 28 years of age when he died. He de? veloped a severe fever which last? ed a long time f'-m'rk'i- QUILTS OLD & NEW V'iitli POTTERY Shop PEWTER COUNTRY CRAFTS SOUVENIRS ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES • Open Daily, mid-May thru October • On the OLD CABOT TRAIL • Route 312 Use Exit 12 via Englishtown or use Route 312 intersection on Cabot Trail 1 km. NORTH of ENGLISHTOWN FERRY fSt. Ann's Motel AND HOME COOKING A GLORIOUS SPOT to have as a base while you make your way around the Cabot Trail. Units with bath/shower and television en? sure that your stay is as complete as the exquisite view from your bedroom. The Marinellis have been running their charming motel for many years. Marie is often behind the counter next door, dishing up her homemade cooking, or just making up a great ice cream cone! RR 4, BADDECK, NS BOE 1 BO ' (902) 295-2876 (off season 736-8908) PIPER'S TRAILER COURT Featuring: Fully Licensed Dining Room Laundromat Mini-Mart Ocean-Side Campsites Swimming Pool 929-2233 929-2067 Indian Brook on the Cabot Trail (Haltway between Baddeck and Ingonish) From either direction on the Cabot Trail, plan for comfort and welcome Piper's Old Manse GUEST HOUSE with Bed and Breakfast QPENYEARRQMND . I Brook on the Cabot Trail (Haltway between Baddeck and Ingonish) I OPEN YEAR ROUl ... from any dfrection, it's a beautifril way to go! 45
Cape Breton's Magazine
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