Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 72 > Page 58 - "The Sea Riders" A Cape Breton Feature Film 1922

Page 58 - "The Sea Riders" A Cape Breton Feature Film 1922

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1 (314 reads)

graph: "...In view of the increase in prices we are receiving for our products it is only fair that our fishermen should benefit. Therefore, commencing this date, we will pay one and three quarters cent (.01 3/4c.) per pound, green fish at the wharf, in? stead of one cent as formerly. Please notify the fishermen that they will receive increased prices in proportion as our prices are advanced." A smile of satisfaction overspread Simpson's face. "This looks pretty good to me," he said. "Yes," replied Judson. "We'll give 'em a quarter of a cent more to stop their howling and split that half cent per pound between ~ I us. Not so bad lighthouse Collection I V of newly composed Fiddle Tunes New Music! in the Cape Breton Musical Heritage Series FROM THE ITINERANT LIFESTYLE fashioned by his work as a lighthouse keeper and by his passion for Cape Breton violin music and its tradition bearers, Paul Cranford's new book offers transcriptions of 294 melo? dies by Paul, and by friends like Johnny Wil- mot, Otis Tomas, Paul MacDonald, and Tom? my Basker. 100-page 9x12 Book includes choice of CD or Cassette Tape of 57 tunes played by Paul & friends BOOK-&-CD(orTAPE) $27.95 NOW AVAILABLE ON ITS OWN... The Lighthouse Paul Cranford and Friends CD $19.95'TAPE $11.95 in BOOKSTORES and MUSIC STORES • or use ORDER FORM on page 34 • on twenty-five tons this trip...?" "You bet your life," agreed the other. "It's sure good business." They sat for a while talking, then Simpson made a move? ment to go. Judson showed him two bottles of whiskey, one of which he started wrapping up for his confed? erate who by CHRYSLER Dodge Jeep; • Sales • Service • Parts • Leasing • Auto Body Repair 539-2280 TOLL FREE PARTS LINE 1-800-665-5821 325 Welton St. Sydney this time was waxing confidential. "I'm going to grab that fish trap site from old man Burke. I may need your influence with the authorities." "You can count on me," answered Simpson. "I can fix things if there's any trouble." With his bottie of whiskey safely tucked away Simpson re? tumed to the wharf and started on the return journey. Will the fishermen ever get a fair price? Will Mary and Bob ever find happiness? Will evil Judson steal Old Man Burke's fish trap? And what is little Elsie's future to be? For answers to these and other gripping questions, be here for the next installment of "The Sea Riders," a feature motion picture made in Cape Breton by Cape Breton's Maritime Motion Picture Company • coming soon to the next issue of Cape Breton's Magazine. Also in the next is? sue, more about Wallace MacDonald, the founder of the Maritime Motion Picture Company. The search for evidence of Cape Breton's film history con? tinues. Does anyone have photographs from early Cape Breton movies, such as "The Sea Riders" or "Big Tim? ber"? Better yet • is there a print of the movie itself? Lo? cating one of these films would be a marvelous find. For help preparing this article and the one In the next issue, our thanks to William Wallace MacDonald's daughters, Doris Ewart and Violet Edward. Thanks as well to researcher Alan Cash. Photos are from private collections, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, and Beaton Institute, University College of Cape Breton. Our thanks to Patricia Keeney, who interviewed the late Howard Appleton, and supplied other information and photographs. For information on 48,000 Christian Book Titles, 23 McKeen Street GLACE BAY, N. S. B1A5B9 849-6365 Armour TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ARMOUR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, one of the most reUable names on the road, is here to deliver. It's a networic comprised of four leading companies in the highway transportation industry...Annour Transport...Drur>' Transfer...Diamond's Transfer and Pole Star Transport. Maritime owned and operated, servicing Atiantic Canada and t)eyond. Armour Transportation Systems is dedicated to getting the job done right. Diamonds Armour DRURYS SYDNEY 149 York Street, Sydney, N.S. BIP 6B6 Phone 539-4185 • Toll Free 1-800-565-4186 • Fax 562-0205 ivnrKRSffifflfnf "Driven to Deliver Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary! On Time...Every Time!
Cape Breton's Magazine
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