Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 16 > Page 16 - The Wreck of the "Watford"

Page 16 - The Wreck of the "Watford"

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/6/1 (439 reads)

reached nearly to the top of the bank, then on the receeding wave the rocks of the bot? tom were exposed. As Knight fell, the water sucked back, leaving the reef shining bare below; his head struck and he rolled in the incoming surge. Murray left the rope and threw a plank to his friend, but the mate*s neck must have been broken, he made no at? tempt to reach it and was washed away in the sea. Last man of all to come ashore was Murdo Murray, a native of Stornoway in the Isle of Lewis, northenmost of the Hebrides. A seaman born of a race of seamen, he had striven harder thaji anyone else to save the ship, to save the lives of its crew, and had seen his shipmate dashed to death al? most in arms* reach. As he was pulled over the edge of the cliff by the eager hands of those on shore his English deserted him and he asked in Gaelic, "Ann an ainm Dhe, c*ait* am bheil mi?** **In the name of God, where am I?" Wet and ragged the crew were led and helped over the tuckamore thicket, along the cliff edge, down the slope to Ezra Bailey's solitary house at the edge of Schooner Pond, wdiere the Bailey family did everything pos? sible for their comfort until they could be taken away to shelter in Sydney, and back to their homes, and back to the sea again. The Watford lay against the cliff a rusting wreck, stripped of anything useful, with a deep crack from deck to keelson where she had broken on the reefs. Had they been able to round one more headland, the southern head of Morien Bay, she would have come into the shelter of Scatari. Martha Bailey with one of her rugs. Martha Bailey, Schooner Pond: I remember my brother taking me on board. They cut a little piece out of the bott'om of the boat later, but I remember a rope ladder up the boat and halfway up there were wooden steps and he took us up that • and I remem? ber I was terrified. After that there were people start coming and cut it up and took it away with trucks. But I was only aboard once--my father wouldn't let us. He was Ezra Bailey. (He was one of the first men at the cliff-edge.) We were sitting having breakfast and we saw Gussy Maclsaac--he was a neighbour; he's dead now • he came by here and he came back and he said, "There's a boat in, Bailey." Then he went down and he got MacBorden • and the three of them went to the cliff. (The news account of the day said that a second mate, Herbert Mante, succeeded in swimming ashore with a line • but the line was carried away from the ship by the storm. He mginaged to climb the cliff in the gale and joined the rescuers at the cliff"edge. Duncan Irvine of Donkin walked Excellent Accomodations The MARklANt) DINGWALL, VICTORIA COUNTY, N.S. ?? Phon.: Dii|gwall 48 Mrs. Chester McEvoy, Manager Our Front Cover photograph is by Edith S. Watson, courtesy IHE ROYAL CANADIAN GEO? GRAPHICAL SQCIETY<, For special darkroom work, our thanks to Jocelyn Mairchand. Danny Crawford and Bill Martheleur. Newly Renovated Grill at Sydney River! Town and Country RESTAURANT Red and White POOD STORES Baddeck Port Hawkesbury Sydney River & Glace Bay PHARHMCY Piort Hawkesbury Operated by Mansons Drugs Ltd?? OLD AS 1903: still offering the same old fashion quality service to Cape Breton* l?BW AS 1977* Offering Drug PlanSf Charge Cardst Delivery, MdLl-Order and most iinpottant • a Hearty thank You for 8hon;>iiig Wooico IIIarmacv' whiere priceis are low enough to really ttake a difference • 74 ySARS dP SERVtCB
Cape Breton's Magazine
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