Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 73 > Page 58 - Love Letters from St. Pauls Island

Page 58 - Love Letters from St. Pauls Island

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1 (167 reads)

a time as possible under the circumstances. I know honey you ha? vent much of a chance to enjoy yourself but pleas God we will be to? gether soon again and another little bit of heaven. After you left I was so worreyed thinking of you down in that stuf- fey, hot boat and probabely sick that I dident get lonesome untill I got yur message and when I should be glad that you arrived safe I got so lonesome I almost cryed. Sandy and mother [Margaret's mother, who apparently went to St. Pauls to look after Sandy while Margaret was ashore, waiting for the birth of her second child] ar getting along wonderful. He keeps us busey. I think he is going to be aful mischevious, he opened the cub? bed door and spilt a pan of thick milk on the floor then he sat in the middle of it and talk about splashing and kicking. I heard him squeal? ing and laughing so I went in and there he was, and as soon as he saw me he crawled out and beet it as fast as he could leaving a trail of milk after him. I laughed till the tears came. Norman and Abbey Mcleod were hear today and we ware play? ing some bagpipe pieces on the gramophone and he was standing up to the table kicking his feet and working himself up and down. McLeod says he is going to be a good musicion and dancer. He must have got his music from you and dancing from me. Well honey the Laurier[he government supply boat] didn't get CAPE BRETON GLASS // 19 MITCHELL PL. y7 / / SYDNEY, NS BIP 1T8 / PHONE 562-2817 * FAX 564-9889 ''(| Serving All of Cape Breton ' 24- HOUR COMMERCIAL EMERGENCY SERVICE hear yet but she was in N. S. for the last few days and we ar expect? ing her tomorrow for sure. Mrs. McLeod says if she dont come tomor? row they ar going in by motor boat in any case III send this letter by them. Their servant girt dident come yet but they expect to se her comming any day. Mother and I ar living of the fat of the land. We had a big roast of lamb today and the hens ar laying full blast. I got ten eggs in the nests below yesterday. But our market is gone. Mr. Horn the new operator is buying milk and eggs from McLeods. I am going to presen/e ours for the winter with lime and salt. I was out picking berrys Munday and 1/2 gallon in one hour. Mother stued them and I stole a bottle and ate them. Well honey I ha? vent any more news for now so will close. I miss you afully honey so dont forget to write and tell everything. Goodbye dear. Your loving husband, St. Pauls Island Department of the Naval Services, Radiotelegraph Branch August 27, 1924 From Mrs. Duncan Gillis [Margaret's sister], Sydney To John A. Mclntyre, St. Pauls Island Girl arrived Wednesday morning Maggie and girl are well [That baby girl is Peggy Maclsaac, referred to as "Margaret" in John's letters.] August 27,1924 Dearest Margret, I just got the wire and honey, I am so glad that your tryal is over and oh, honey, we have a boy and girl. Wat luck just wat we wanted. Now honey take the very best of care of your self and dont be in a hurry getting up. I might be able to go in to meet you. I am applying for leaf of absence today and if I get it in time youll see me in. Now goodbye honey. God bless you. Your loving husband' J.A. Dear Maggey, [John is now referring to name for her.] August 28, 1924 as "Maggey," her family's nick- New from UCCB Press: Connect Combine Communicate: Revitalising the Arts in Canadian Schools Summary of Proceedings National Symposium on Arts Education Cape Breton '97 Edited by Brian Roberts ISBN: 0-920336-67-1 $ 17.95 - PB 200 pp The Lichen Factor: The Quest for Community Development in Canada By Jim Lotz ISBN: 0-920336-61-2 Inlets of the Heart A Collection of Poetry By LeRoy Payne Peacti ISBN: 0-920336-59-0 $ 12.95-PB 85pp $ 22.95 - PB 350 pp Perspectives On Communities: A Community Economic Development Roundtable Edited by Gertrude Anne Maclntyre ISBN: 0-920336-57-4 The Power of the Story: The Proceedings of the University College of Cape Breton's First Annual Storytelling Symposium Edited by Afra Kavanagh 160pp UCCB Press P.O. Box 5300 Sydney, Nova Scotia I (902)563-1604 ISBN: 0-920336-63-9 $ 17.95-PB 120 pp CO Available from Goose Lane Editions and General Distribution Services 58i
Cape Breton's Magazine
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