Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 74 > Page 4 - With George Prosser of Whitney Pier

Page 4 - With George Prosser of Whitney Pier

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1 (1003 reads)

Left: George's wife Emma Organ with their first child, Ralph. Right: George during the Second World War, with Walter (Bumper), Donnie (Pusser), Adeline, George, and Kenny (Chink). Missing: Loretta, Ruth, Ralph, and Randolph (Porky). (And you were sealing?) It was halibut, but sealing, too. The ice is the same up this side of the Gulf this time of year. Lots of seals. That's early March. You could get out, throw them in the dories. Throw a dory load in five minutes. (How did you hunt them?) You'd see them on the ice, so you'd get out with a knife and you'd scrub them right there. You took enough bodies to eat. We lived on seal meat, too. For the money part of it, all we took was the whelps. The skin and the fat. The big seals, you had to shoot them. They were wild. But the little ones. Trust in our stars! • * • * GREAT FOOD NORTH STAR INN NORTH SYDNEY capebreton Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport • Gateway to Newfoundland Travellers to Cape Breton: "Unpack Once*' Centrally Located to Most Attractions • 74 Rooms - Kings, Standards, • Fishery Restaurant and Suites • St. Pierre Rum Bar • Luxury Suite - Jacuzzi Bath • Indoor Pool and Whirlpool • Harbour View - Air conditioned • Kids free with parents • Seniors Discount Overlooking the Newfoundland Ferry Terminal (Exit21, Highway 105) Tel: (902) 794-8581 Fax: (902) 794-4628 39 Forrest Street, P.O. 60X157, North Sydney, N.S. B2A 3M3 1-800-561-8585 (Atlantic) Celebrating 10 Years of Quality Service they'd just be asleep on the ice. (Was it good money?) No. Two fifty a quintal? It'd take about three seals for a quintal. Two fifty a quintal. A quintal is two hundred and twenty-four pounds. Just a living. That's all. In between, eh? Like, we were fishing, and the spring of the year we always looked for? ward to go out seal hunting. In them days--you didn't have to have a license or nothing. Adeline Luckie, George's daugh? ter: But they ate what they caught though. George; We salted it. We used to use it for corned beef. We used to pickle it. "Corned beef euad cabbage," we called it. It was really seal meat. You take the water and the pickle, the salt, and pack the seal in the barrel, cover more with salt, then put in another tier and do the same thing again and get a barrel full. So two or three barrels of seal meat, that was what we called corned beef. It was what we lived off of. (Would you do this on the boat?) Oh, on the shore, but on the ship too, if we want? ed. But we'd do it ashore mostly. We skinned the seal. We scrubbed them, the fat on them that thick. Take what carcass? es we want, left the rest there. You couldn't take it all. I had one tame one in the house one time, running around like a dog, barking. I owned a house in Newfoundland and I had a bunch of kids. My daughter next door, she could tell you. And my son. Kids were laughing and he's up on the lounge and running around barking on the floor. Whitecoat, you know. (Did you name him?) No. We had him for about four weeks I think, then he started to turn. They're HORYL'S Superior Sausage Co. jCtd. 5247 Union Hwy. • NEW WATERFORD • B1H 4K4 Phone 862-7177 or 862-7178 SOME OF OUR FINE PRODUCTS INCLUDE: J0BStt'' * '''''??sh Sausage ''gtg''' * Salami * Kolbassa ''''jH * Garlic Bologna (I''''P' * Hot Pepperoni * Weiners 'Ki''B' * White Pudding (j/'''' * Medium Hot Pepperoni 'Uji'm' * Black Pudding ''j'P * Sliced Pizza Pepperoni ''B|' * Cooked Ham * Roast Beef * Italian S We take pride in using only the finest government inspected meats, and the care it takes to make our sausages. When you ask for HoiyVs, you get the best. • SPECIALIZING IN QUALITY DELI MEATS FOR OVER 60 YEARS •
Cape Breton's Magazine
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