Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 74 > Page 24 - Lachie MacLellan, Centreville: 2 Short Stories Told To His Granddaughter, Linda MacLellan

Page 24 - Lachie MacLellan, Centreville: 2 Short Stories Told To His Granddaughter, Linda MacLellan

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1 (416 reads)

more the rest of the night. Isn't that something? Yeah. But, it wasn't to be thrown aroxuid and left for a dog to pick it up there. That's as true as can be. Yeah. 2. The Pain (Linda: What was the one about the old woman down here--she could cure animals?) Lauchie: Oh. {Lauchie starts laughing.) Oh yes, that's a good (one). She came to this Jim MacLennan's house. That'd be Jim M.'s father's place. Miss MacLennan--I don't know who he was married to. He was married four times, this old MacLennan. I don't know which one of the wives was there. She was a nice woman. And they had a young horse, year-old mare. And, God, the horse was sick with colic. They called it at that time "The Pain." You know, they have colic • horse. But what it was • my father told me that they had let her out and it was the fall of the year. There was pretty good grass, you know. They let the mare, the horses in on the "after grass," they called it then • (grass that had grown up after the mowing) at the end of the fall. And (one of the horses, probably the mare's foal) was eat? ing it. Of course, he getting too much of the grass. Then he got sick, got sick with colic. And he was rolling. And getting up, then laying down again. And then rolling, get up, and roll. And kicking, and kicking. They thought he was going to die. Who comes along but this (woman). She said • of course, it was all Gaelic they were talking • she said she'd cure the colt. At that time, women, they wore a dress and then they had "petticoats" they called them--a big, heavy coat--the coats were all made in the loom. Anyway, she told them that she'd cure the colt. And so, she took off this petticoat and she went down to where the young horse was and she said a rhyme in Gaelic--they didn't know what it was. But she had this rhyme, she said it in Gaelic.... He took a jump up, he shook himself, and he was all right. He was all right. There wasn't a darn thing wrong with him. His mother was there and went off with him and--no more, no more colic. So God, they were so glad. And she asked the other woman • this MacLennan of the house • asked her in for a cup of tea. So Miss MacLennan started making the tea. And all of a sudden, this womeui fell off the chair on the floor. My God, the other one there • but she was rolling back euid forth on the floor there. Had this awful pain. The other one got down on her knees alongside of her. Lord, she could hardly whisper to her. And then she whispered to her at last that she'd have to give her something and that she took the colic the colt had. And, my Lord, the other woman jumped up-- Miss MacLennan • and went upstairs. She had a bag • she had gone to the carding mill--a bag of yellow rolls {called rolag in Gael? ic) . And she took a big bunch of the rolls out of that. They'd come from the carding mill; they were all ready to spin. You'd spin them and make yarn out of them. Took a big bunch down there and went to the one who was on the floor and gave her that. She whispered, **Thank you," got up and sat on the chair and had the tea. And the pain left her! {Lauchie can't stop laughing.) They were pretty cagey that time and everything else! The colic left her, too! Kicking and rolling on the floor! {Laughing.) She had the disease the horse had until she got some donation from the other one. {Now everyone's laughing.) Our thanks to Linda MacLellan of Margaree Forks. Great Reasons to L'ise Your New Furnace Pronst Isso NOW! If you need to replace your old furnace, right now is a great time. WARM AIR $ FURNACE J 40." HOT WATER $/,'-r 95 BOILER /""?? ''/"'j, NO HASSLE Beat the replacement rush. REDUCED HEATING COST Modem, high-efficiency furnaces greatly reduce yearly heating costs. EASY PAYMENTS The Esso 5 Year leasing program lets you lease a warm air furnace or a hot water boiler with low monthly payments spread evenly over 60 months. There's no down payment, and during the lease Esso handles all the maintenance. YOURS FOR $1. At the end of the lease, the equipment is yours for just $1. For more details call 53&-3350 ('so) Home Comfort 24
Cape Breton's Magazine
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