Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 16 > Page 29 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir

Page 29 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/6/1 (278 reads)

amhaire, "ach fag mo bheatha agus 's leat m'each briagh, dubh agus deis-armachd a fhreagras air aon sam bith a chuireas air io Agus sin agad m'eirig*" "Bidh sin agam 'gus do bheatha," ors' esan, agus chuir e crioch air an fhuamhaire. Dh' fhan e ann an sin gu feasgar anraoch agus dh'fhalbh e 'n uair sin 's shaodaich e'n crodh air n-ais gu ait' a' righo Ach 'nuair a rainig an crodh air n-ais am feasgar sin cha robh iad gann de bhainne. Bha na cumain a bh'aca air an lionadh mu'n do sguir a' bhanarach a bhleoghain a' chruidh, agus neo-ar-thainig nach d'fhuair esan deagh- shuipeir an oidhche sin. Fhuair e pailteas ri ithe dhe'n chuid a b'fhearr de bhiadh agus chaidh e gu tamh. Ach co-dhiubh lean e air buachailleachd a' chruidh agus chaidh e na b'fhaide air 'n aghaidh leis a* chrodh gu aite a bha e a* smaointinn a bhitheadh na b'fhearr agus dh' fhosgail e a' chachaileith agus chaidh e astaigh dha'n innis a bha 'sin agus 0, bha an crodh ann an aite neonach an sin leis na bh'ann. Bha feur suas dha na cliathai- chean aca agus thoisich iad air criomadh ann a' sin. Cha robh iad cus de dh'uine ann 'nuair a chual' e fuaim uamhasach agus thainig crith' air an talamh agus thug e suil 's bha fuamhaire mor, eagalach e' tighinno Ma bha a' cheud fhear a' coimhead gabhaidh, doirbh agus oillteil, seo fear a bha coltas truaighe buileach air le 'mheu- dachd agus le 'ghraindead, agus thoisich e air caitheamh a' chruidh air a dhruim mar and when he saw his chance he took a stroke at the giant with his sword. There were three heads on the giant, and he took off one of those heads, or perhaps two . "Death is above you," he said, "what is your ransom?" "Neither large nor small," said the giant, "but spare my life and my fine black horse is yours along with a suit of armor which will fit anyone who puts it on. That is my ransom." "I'll take that and your life too," and he dispatched the giant. He remained there until the late afternoon and then he departed, driving the cattle to the king's residenceo But that evening when the cattle returned they weren't short on milk. All their milking pails were filled before the milkmaid stopped milking, and Iain certainly had a good supper that night. He got plenty to eat of the best of food, and then he v/ent to rest. Anyway, he continued to herd the cattle, and he went on further with them to a place he thought would be better. He opened the gate and went inside to the pasture and (he and) the cattle were in an extraordinary place for all that was there: the grass came up to their sides and they began grazing there. They had not been there for long when The implications of Indian Battles for Land, Recognition and Human Rights are important for all peoples. The Micmac News publishes monthly reports on the Local, Provincial, National and Inter-national fronts of those Battles. It is a newspaper for Indian and Non-In? dians who want to keep up on Indian Af? fairs. THE MICMAC NEWS P.O. Box 961, Sydney, Nova Scotia NAME .... ADDRESS. '3.50 pmr year • published monfhly Or write and ask for a Sample Copy PEUGEOT A different kind of luxury car from the European Car Specialists EUROCAR SERVICE LTD. Westmount, opposite Dobson Yacht Club 564-9721 Now 208 Years Old ROBIN, JONES & WHITMAN, LIMITED Cheticamp 224-2022 Inverness 224-3125 Warmth, Comfort and Farm-fashioned Hospitality await you at the Inn. INVERARY INN, Baddeck, Nova Scotia Our Dining Room is famed for its Scottish Fare. Isobel and Dan MacAulay. Innkeepers The Inn Can old farmhouse', the Baxm and pine-paneled Cottages are located on the outskirts of Baddeck, just off the Trans-Canada Highway. A Berkshire Traveller Country Inn For Reservations Phone 902-295-2674 Cape Breton's Magagine/S9
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