Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 74 > Page 52 - A Visit With the MacLeods at Belfry

Page 52 - A Visit With the MacLeods at Belfry

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1 (272 reads)

beat him to a pulp. I forget. I wasn't there but I heard the story many times. Jimmy; Oh, Kenny Y. was awful, awful for fighting. He'd get beat up and the next morning, there wasn't a cut on him. Healed up awful fast. Ranald; So were you fellas scrappers at all? square deuicing emd they'd meUce money. I don't know what they used to charge for the dance but that's the way they made their money. Jim? my; It'd be twenty-five cents. Ranald; Did everyone go to the dances or did it tend to be the single people or...? Jimmy; No. Rov MacLeod; No, I.... Flora; Roy used to hide behind the store if there was a fight. Roy; We'd hide behind the store. We were all pretty good up there. But I'll tell you, all the different schools in Framboise, North ??Framboise 252 TOWNSEND ST., SYDNEY 562-4501 Where good friends gather! Sydney s Most versatile Dance Bar Fram? boise Intervale, St. Esprit and all around • they had schools, small schools--and what they used to do to raise money, they'd build a stage outside. You probably hear of that, then? Ra? nald; No, no. Roy; Haven't you? Well, they'd get a vio? lin player from L'Ardoise. Flora; Or the bagpipes. Roy; He rode down on his bicycle ajid he'd play for the dance that night. It would be all Commitment To me, commitment is an Investment Executive who pays attention to my investments 365 days a year - not just at RRSP time. Commitment is an Investment Executive who thinks about my long- term goals, as well as the short-term investment environment. Commitment is taking the time to ask my opinion, and answer my questions. Commitment is helping me through all the stages in my life - and knowing that my life changes are as important as the changes in the stock market. Commitment, It's a value I share with ScotiaMcLeod. Lee F. Harwood / ''ctoria A. Harwood IbUFree: 1-800491-1986 1709 Hollis Street 5th Floor P.O. Box 2022, Station "M" Halifax, NS B3J 2Z1 ScotiaMcLeod is a member of The Scotiabank Group. Member CIPF Roy; Everyone went, the young and the old. And then they used to make box socials. Flora; Yes, pie socials as well. Roy; And the box so? cials, the ladies of the area would put a box together with food for them to eat, like sand? wiches and cookies and cake and whatever. They'd decorate a fancy box and there'd be one fellow at the school that would auction them off. Somebody would bid and whatever box he would get, the name of the lady would be in? side. That lady would have to go and eat the box with the guy that bought it. That was a big thing. Jimmy; And especially if she had a boyfriend. If a girl had a boyfriend, well, a couple of guys would get together and run him up, you know. Bid him up, against him. When they got him up, then they'd drop it. Roy; Maybe it would go up as high as ten dollars. That was a lot of money. Jimmy; A lot of money in them days, ten dollars was. Ranald; Yeah, one of my distant relatives in P.E.I, was an auction? eer. He said to me, "I can remember a relative of yours paid pretty high, a couple of weeks' wages for his lunch that night." Flora; But gee, there was a lot of fun. We had a good t:ime. I don't know, when I look back on those days compared to what they have today, somehow.... Jimmy; Well, today, what ruined everything is the television. Flora; I guess so. And you were never scared of any? body. I was never scared of people. Lena; No. Flora; Today, you don't know whom to trust. Oh, I don't know, it's not the seune. Jimmy; Change in the times. I MuUins Mini-Mart J; Gas Oil Diesel Propane Hardware Groceries • j Home Baking on Premises (Fresh Daily) Lunch Counter ! • Subs Sandwiches Burgers Pizza Ice Cream Bar i Sears Videos Postal Outlet Lottery Tickets ''. Camping/Fishing Supplies Cappuccino Lobster (in Season) ti Summer Hours: 7 Days a Week • 6:30 AM to 10 PM i ALBERT BRIDGE 4 Yi Louisbourg Hwy, Route 22 • 562-1070 Its a Clime what an amateur wide to a perfectly ample print job (jet the pK' touch 52
Cape Breton's Magazine
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