Page 20 - Jack Pineau, the Glace Bay Hobbyist
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1 (834 reads)Hobbyist Jack Pineau is a Glace Bay Hobbyist. He's been at it for ov/r twenty years and has 'o'f n''n'"'' ?' f-"'''" Z''''' ?' materials a rather extraordinary ra'ge of Kems-! t'lL i ''?? ''P','''' ?' historical buildings or events and a good many made for t'oi' ',':'h'''''* pleasure. His work is not for sale, although hi has made prLenta- +i2''.'''''v '' ' "'"''' ?' ''? '1''? ''y Fi'e Hall (now at the fire hall), a model of the Louisbourg museum now at the fortress, and a display of Caledonia Mine at the Miners' Museum. Usually when he makes such a presentation he goes on to mice that ilZ H?''' "'' 5'r "'""' r''"*" collection of his work togethef. While the?' have for if ?''??nH ''' work in Cape Breton and other parts'f Canada, what Jack hopes for IS to find a permanent display for his work. Most of it is kept in the manv IV'UtJ'vly.''.'''f ''i '"''r '' ''' '''ly ''i'' '"''11 basement,'hich aLHerves as his workshop and extremely limited display area. We are not able to offer the permanent home Jack would like to find for his work, but we can offer a rare look at a very small portion of the things Jack Pineau h4s made. CBITTELEVISION Channels 2,5,7,8,10,12, and 13 In Cape Breton C BC HAS IT ALL CBI RADD 1140 on your Dial in Cape Breton
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