Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 17 > Page 31 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir

Page 31 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1 (440 reads)

Ma tha, ors' esan, "thig mise sios 'nam shitneadh air a*chladach ri d* thaoibh far nach fhaic i mi agus leagaidh mi mo cheann air do ghluin. Agus ma chaidleas mise mun tig a' bheist a* tighinn an airde, ma dh'fhailnicheas ort mo dhusgadh ann an dBlgh seach doigh," ors* esan, "am bior crom a tha seo, cuiridh tu sin suas 'an cuinnlean mo shroineadh agus duisgidh sin Ach co-dhiubh an ceann greis de dh'uine • s esan 'na shuain fhada thainig a' bheist a bha *seo agus tri chinn oirre. Bha i • coimhead gu math grannd' 's thainig i • n llirde. Agus thoisich ise air fheuchainn ri esan a dhusgadh 's ged a bhiodh i 'g Eigheach dha 's 'ga chrathadh cha duis- geadh esan ach smaointich i air a' bhior chrom a bha 'seo agus chuir i seo suas ann an cuinnlean a shroineadh agus leum esan air a bhonnaibh agus tharraing e'n claidheamh. Agus b'e sin an claidheamh a bh'ann dh'a riribh a's ghabh e amach. 0, bha cath aca 'bha neonach agus chuir iad cath a bha oillteil ach mu dheireadh ghe'rr e fear dhe na cinn dhe'n bheist agus sios a ghabh i. Choisich esan suas a dh*ionnsaidh b'rr a* chladaich agus leum e air druim an eich agus co-dhiubh • s e an t-athar a thog e neo'n talamh a shluig e cha robh an cbrr sealladh aice dhe. Ach co-dhiubh, an ceann a ghelirr e bharr na beist', bha e air a chur air gad agus dh'fhagadh sin aice. Dh'I'irich an gaisgeach a bha 'm falach agus thog e rithe suas gu taigh a' righ agus ceann na beisteadh aige air a* ghad agus cha'n the sky as he would travel on the ground, and down he came. He came to a halt be? side her on the shore. The knight leapt down from the saddle and went over to talk with her. He asked her what had brought her here and she told him how things were. "And is there anyone at all," said he, "who will try to save you?" She said that the best warrior in the country was there hiding until the mon? ster came. The knight said he would stay to help her • to save her • and that he wbuld go between her and the monster. "0," she said, "you can't remain here. If the monster sees you here it will never come." "Then I will stretch myself out," said he, "on the shore beside you where it won't see rae and I'll lay my head on your knee. And if I fall asleep before the monster emerges ??ind you fail to waken me by trying one thing after another, put this curved stick into my nostril and that will waken me." After a length of time, wh'en the knight was in a long slumber, the three-headed monster arrived. It came up, looking very ugly, and she began trying to wake up the knight, but though she called to him and shook him he would not awake. But she STORY CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Oban Motel and Gift Shop Box 191, Pbrt Hastings, Nova Scotia 20 Spacious Rooms with Full Bath & Shower Sun Deck overlooks beautiful Canso Strait Color Television Telephone 625-1113 OPEN ALL YEAR 'ROUND We Buy & We Sell and We're as Near as your Telepbone Sids Used Furniture Rione 564-6123 436 Charlotte Street, Sydney 12 of our mosthelpfiil services inone convenient package to help you keep those promises youVemadeto yourselE ROYAL BANK servingthe Atlantic Provinces We Specialize in Camping Equipment and Clothing of All Kinds as well as Hardware, Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Reuben McEvoy's General Store Ltd. OfGONISH BBiCH Open all year at the entrance to the beautiful Cape Breton Highlands National Park
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