Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 17 > Page 36 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir

Page 36 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1 (380 reads)

neslpaiceadh thug i amach am pios a bha 'seo de chraiceann 's de dh'fhe"oil 's de ghruaig. Chuir i seo 'na aite fhein 's fhreagair e ann agus cha'n aithnicheadh tu le coimhead air gu'n deachaidh a ghlua- sad riamh. "Ach c'arson," ors' ise, "a tha cuaran air do laimh?" "Tha," ors' esan, "far a bheil barr mo ludaig' 'gam dhlrth." "Bheir dhiot," ors' ise, "an cuaran, ma tha." Thugadh an cuaran bhiLrr na laimh' aige agus sgaoil i amach a neapaicin-ph"'ca 's anns an oisinn eile thog i amach pios a bh'ann a* 'in agus'chaidh am pios sin a chur air barr na ludaig' aige agus cha'n aithnicheadh duine gu'n deachaidh e riamh a ghluasad dhe leis mar a fhreagair e. "Seo agad," ors' ise, "an ridire a shabhail mise bho'n bheist." Am fear eile, bha e 'g eigheach 's a' dol mun cuairt 's 'g eigheach pears' eaglais fhaighinn, ach chaidh breith air an fhear eile 's a chur air falbh 's tha mi cinn? teach gu'n deachaidh a chur air eilean neo air ait* iomallach air choireiginn. Agus chaidh cur mu dheidhinn feisde mh'r agus bainis a dheanamh. 'S 'nuair a chaidh an gnothach 'bha 'seo a chur air saod theich am buachaille; thog e rith' 's ghabh e suas a dh'ionnsaidh na lobhtadh agus bha gnothaichean ann a' sin a fhuair e, tha mi cinnteach, bho mhathair nam fuamhairichean agus chuir e e-fhein ann an 'ideadh gu math grinn agus thalinig e anuas. Bha e 'n deaghaidh a cheann a chlreadh 's bha cir aige 's 'nuair a chlreadh e a cheann leath' bhiodh a ghru? aig air dath an oir. Agus tha mi 'creid- sinn nach fhaca an righ riamh a leithid de dhuine eireachdail 'na rioghachd fhein neo ann an rioghachd sam bith a shiubhail e oirre. 'S chaidh a' bhainis a chur air 'n aghaidh agus feasda mhor a dheanamh. Beagan uine as a dheoghaidh sin bha Iain Mac an lasgair Mhoir agus a bhean, nigh? ean a' righ, bha iad a' coiseachd sios little wound was there on top of his head. She spread out her handkerchief and out of its corner she took the piece of skin and flesh and hair. When she put Lt back in its proper place it fitted so that you would not know from looking at it that it had ever been removed. "But why," she said, "are you wearing a finger-stall on your hand?" "That's where the tip of my little finger is missing." "Then take off the finger-stall," she said. The finger-stall was removed from his hand and she spread out her handkerchief and from the other corner she took out the piece that was there. That piece was put on the end of his little finger and it fitted so well that no one would know that it had ever been removed. "Here you have the knight," she said, "who saved me from the monster." The other warrior was going around and shouting, calling for a clergy-man to be fetched, but he was caught and sent away, and I'm sure he was sent to an island or some other remote place. It was decided to have a big feast and a wedding, and when that was getting underway the cow? herd fled; he took off up to the loft where there were things that he had ob? tained, I'm certain, from the mother of the giants, so he clothed himself in his quite elegant apparel and came back down. He had combed his hair and he had a (spe? cial) combj when he combed his hair with it his hair was the color of gold. I be? lieve the king had never before seen such a handsome man in his own kingdom or in any other that he had traversed. So the wedding was performed and a great feast was given. A short time after that Iain Son of the Big Fisherman and his wife, the king's daughter, were walking down along the beach, whatever had brought them there, and a great monster came up out of the ocean. It happened that he, Iain, was "Tires Our Specialty" SYL'S essq) SERVICE located Two Miles West of Baddeck on the Trans-Canada Highway 24-Hour Towing Servjce| 2 Wreckers • Call Anytime 295-2911 or 295-9970 peedy Propane BJLLIHS STXnOHSt Speedy Propane Bulk Plant Kings Road, Sydney J.E.Benoit, Arichat Robin*s, Cheticamp MacGregor??s Irving, Pleasant Bay Fraser*s Campground, Baddeck Inlet Campground, Baddeck Bob Wilson's Pina? Reserve
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