Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 19 > Page 45 - The Story of the Cheticamp Rug

Page 45 - The Story of the Cheticamp Rug

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/6/1 (447 reads)

treal. They saw some rugs and wrote to me. divide that. I had to oversee that. They'd People would write and ask for ray catalogue, come in the morning. There was one lady, she I had no catalogue. I used to make sketches was dying the yarn. Me, I was piecing the' for them, tell them the colours in a let- canvas. I was buying it by the bolt. My ter • and they had to choose. We made all house was always full of canvas dust and sizes. I had to take the sizes as they were wool. It's a wonder that I'm living. I've coming. Once for me, they had to take a wall eaten more dust. Maybe that's what's kept me out of a house. It was an order 24' by 10'. alive until now. So I was unrolling the can- It is now in the Tadoussac Hotel in Tadous- vas, heavy bolts • 50 yards, 100 yards a sac, Quebec. bolt. I'd cut it the length and then I'd piece it on • passing a thread through it. A (Were frames specially made?) There were false thread like when you'd baste a suit, large frames around already. The ones who Then the women would sew it on the machine, were working with Miss Burke had large an inch lapping. Sew one side and then the frames. A lot of them came to work for me • other. It was strong sewing. Then that way I had to design the rugs. They used to send they had a better chance to hook in both me small pictures and I had to draw them to pieces. They would put it on the frame and scale on the canvas. Big long rugs. But im- hook. (Were they using any old wool?) Oh no I agine the 10* by 24' • it was done in a Now we were using new wool. They used to house, in the upstairs. It was small bed- send their wool to the carding mill. And rooms. And the man took the partition down, they'd get the rolls back and spin it them- took the wall down. It was hard in those selves. But as the orders grew • they were so times. When you have to take a wall down. busy hooking they didn't have time for the But to have a big order like that we earned rest. So I ordered wool from Prince Edward a little more. I think I got $2.25 or $2.75 Island • William Condon and Son. Already a foot for that. (How many people worked on spun. It was the same yarn. We'd send over that?) Seven or eight, I don't know. wool from our sheep. It came back nicely spun. So they just had to wash it and dye (The frame would be set up in the house?) it. That was all. Yes. (And everyone would take turns?) Oh no, not turns. They were hooking • it was a must. (How long did you continue handling rugs?) They were going there in the morning. All Myself, I stopped hooking after I started the people were going there in the morning, designing like this. I suppose I made forty They were working all forenoon. Go to din- rugs for Miss Burke. Let's see. I'm 75. I ner. They come in the afternoon. This would started before Gelas was born and stopped a be a big rug. A small rug, well,* they were few years • then started again when I was doing that taking turns in their homes. But 36- • and stopped when I was 69. When we got on the big ones, you see, if one was working married, Willy and I, he said, "Now you more than the other, you wouldn't be able to won't have to fool with rugs any more." But Known for Quality Products and Careful Service ' Jewelery and Gifts MacDonald Jewelery Limited 357 Charlotte St., Sydn' ?? 864-8318 SHEEP SKINS GAIN FAVOUR Auckland • New Zealanders in large numbers are rediscovering a remedy as old as the father of medicine, Hippocrates. He recommended animal skins for the prevention of bedsoreso In New Zealand especially treated sheep skins are coming into favor for many purposes, both in hospitals and in private homes. Tests in New Zealand hospitals indicated that sheep skins clipped to a length of about one inch of wool are exceedingly effective for the bedridden. The patient lies directly on the woolen surface, preferably without even pajamas. The resilience of the wool and its ability to absorb moisture prevent the harmful effects of perspira? tion at points of pressure. Doctors find that patients who have sheepskins in hospitals are so delighted with them that they are loath to give them up after being discharged. They like the com? fort, ivarmth and luxury of sleeping on the rugs and many have bought similar skins for use at horae. Some persons ivith rheumatism or arthritic conditions have found that they sleep more comfortably on the rugs. The parents of paralyzed children have - found they can leave them longer without having to be turned under such conditions. Skins selected for the purpose are fine quality wool fleece, with the skin carefully chrome tannedo Sheep skin rugs da not need to be washed nearly as frequently as cot? ton sheets, but special washing techniques are necessary. High temperatures must be avoided in washing ajid drying, or the skins shrink, distort or become matted. Rugs of this kind are becoming so poDular that stores are finding difficulty keep- ., • • • .-. SYDNEY SHIP SUPPLY
Cape Breton's Magazine
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