Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 21 > Page 14 - A Story from Hughie Dan MacDonnell: Conall Ruadh nan Car

Page 14 - A Story from Hughie Dan MacDonnell: Conall Ruadh nan Car

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/12/1 (451 reads)

Uill, co-dhiubh, dh'fhalbh Conall 'us a thriuir ghillean a dh'iarraidh an t-Each Blar Buidhe a bha aig Righ nan Uinneagan Daraich. Ach co-dhiubh bha iad a' cois? eachd 's a' coiseachd 's a' coiseachd 's bha na h-e6in bheaga, bhuchallach, bhach- allach, 'am bun nam preas ('s) 'am b'rr nan dos 's na h-iseagan laghach' a' gabh- ail mu thamh. Ach ma bha, cha robh Conall neo a thriuir ghillean. Ach thiut an uair sin gun tanaig iad gu muileann-bleith Righ nan Uinneagan Daraich agus bha 'm muillear astaigh anns a' mhuil- eann. Agus chaidh Conall astaigh far a robh am muillear is bhruidhinn e ris a' mhuillear agus dh'innis e 'n teachdair- eachd air a robh iad. "Uill," thuirt e, "cha'n urrainn dhomhsa sian a dheanadh dhuit airson do chuideach- adh ach aon rud," thuirt e. "Tha teach- dairichean a' righ a' tighinn a tharraing pocan de phrannd (?) a seo airson biadhadh nan each. Agus cha'n urrainn dhomhsa sian a dheanamh na's fhearr na thu fhein 's do thriuir ghillean a chur am broinn nam poc- annan tha 'seo. Agus thig asan agus bheir iad leoth' na saic tha seo gu aite stab- uill a' righ, agus tilgidh iad...cha dean iad ach an tilgeil astaigh air an urlar an nochd," thuirt esan. "Agus cha bhi agad fhSinj a Chonaill," thuirt esan, "ach faighinn as a' sin." 'Se sin a chaidh a dheanadh. Chaidh Conall ann am broinn poca 's chaidh na gillean ann am broinn poc' am fear 'us thanaig an uair sin teachdairichean a' righ agus thug iad leoth' na saic a bha 'seo. Thilg iad na saic a bha 'seo air urlar an t-sabhail. Chaidh iad astaigh. Agus eadar a h-uile innleachd a rinn Conall, fhuair e an t-snaoim a dh'fhosgladh far a' phoc' is fhuair e amach as a* phoc'. Is an uair sin And that is what was done. Conall went in? side one of the sacks and each of the lads went inside a sack, and the king's messen? gers came then and they took away the sacks. They threw the sacks on the barn floor and they went inside. And with all the devices that Conall tried, he was able to open the knot on the sack and he got out of his sack. And then he set the lads free from their sacks. So anyway, they pre? pared themselves and they went up to the hay mow in the barn and they made them? selves hiding places in the hay. And when the hiding places were ready Red Conall of the Tricks went down and he put his hand on the Yellow Blaze-Faced Steed that be? longed to the King of the Oaken Windows. And as he did, the steed let out a screech that was heard by the seven (messengers) of the king. "Lads, lads," said the king, "out with you. Something is bothering the Yellow Blaze- Faced Steed tonight." But whatever the disturbance was, they went out and they began to walk up and down the barn and the lads and Conall went to their hiding places. But nothing could be found in the bam. The servants re? turned inside the house again. They said to the king, "There is nothing outside in the barn," they said. "Well, you go and sleep," said the king, "and I will stay up." Well, they went to sleep and they had not been asleep for long when Conall arose and came out of his hiding place and he went toward the Yellow Blaze-Faced Steed again and he put his hand on the Yellow Blaze- Faced Steed. And the Yellow Blaze-Faced Steed let out a screech than who's equal was never before heard and the king called The Dial Direct calLThere's a lot to be said for it. • Fast. No fuss. When you dial direct, your call gets there, fast. No fuss or delay. You retain more of that spontaneous, friendly feeling when you just want to say "hello". It's like making a local call; there's no requirement for operator assistance. • Saves you money. Dialing direct costs a lot less anytime. After six o'clock there are extra savings, with 30% off daytime rates. Or 50% off after ten. To places outside Nova Scotia, the after-six discount is 35%, the midnight reduction a whopping 60%. • It's easy. Nothing to it. For calls to places in Nova Scotia and P.E.I., just dial "1" and then the number of the phone you want to reach. For calls to other parts of Canada, or to the U.S., dial "1" and the three-digit Area Code for the particular place you're calling and then the number. North American Area Codes are listed in your telephone directory on pages 12 and 13. • Free number finding. Want a number in a community not in your directory? No prob? lem. Just dial 1-555-1212 (for N.S. and P.E.I.), or 1-Area Code-555-1212 (for other places in Canada or the U.S.). Just ask for the number, jot it down, hang up and dial direct. There's no charge for this out- of-town directory assistance. • IVIistal(es are on us. If you dial a wrong number, simply hang up, call the operator and explain what hap? pened. You won't be charged for the call. And if you need help, the operator will place the call for you • at the same low rate as if you'd dialed direct yourself. fsS IVIARITIMETEL&TEL; your neighbors serving you.
Cape Breton's Magazine
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