Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 22 > Page 34 - Joe Neil MacNeil Tells a Fenian Tale

Page 34 - Joe Neil MacNeil Tells a Fenian Tale

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/6/1 (276 reads)

Ach cho robh ise riaraichte fhathast as a* ghnothach a bh'ann agus thuirt i ri Fionn, "Tha mi," ors' ise, "'gad chur fo Gheasaibh 's fo chroisibh Agus fo naoidh buar mathraichean Silein, siubhlain, seachrain. An t-uan as meataiche ''s as mi Threoraiche na thu fhein A thoirt dhiot do chinn agus do chluais Agus do chaitheamh-beatha Mura toir thu thugamsa an Cupan Ineach Aig a' Che'rd B/Ihor." Ach co-dhiubh, cha robh arach air: dh'fheumte falbh agus tha fhios gu robh astar uamhasach ri shiubhal air an turus sin. Agus sheol iad air adhart agus ranaig iad an talamh a bha seo, agus mar a b'a- bhaist nuair a ranaig iad'tharraing iad an long suas a seachd fad fhein air feur glas far nach bitheadh beadagain a' bhaile • mhoir a' magadh orra.- Agus nuair'a ranaig Fear a' Chota Liathghlais shuas aite a' Cheaird Mh6ir chaidh e astaigh a shean- achas ris. Agus thug iad greis mhor a' seanachas ;'dh'fheiimadh e dhol mun cuairt gu math seblta. Agus co-dhiubh thanaig iad gu seanachas mu dheidhinn a' Chupain In- each. Agus sheall an Ceard Mor dha an Cupan tneach agus bha e 'tionndadh an sin a' chupain 'na lamhan agus a' coimhead air 's a' bruidhinn air cho maiseach 's a bha e agus leig e leis a' chupan tuiteam air Iar 's bhrist an cupan. 0, cha mhor nach deachaidh Fear a' Ch6ta Liathghlais gu caoineadh leis mar a thachair is thuirt an Ceard Mor ris, "Coma leat," ors' esan, "dheth sin. 'S ann a tha mi toilichte," ors' esan, "a leithid a thachairt dha. Tha fios agams' a nist," ors' esan, "gu robh faillinn 'sa chupan. Agus feumaidh sinn," ors' esan, "na ceaird uile a shuidheachadh agus an cupan a dheanamh as ur, agus a bhith cinnteach air an turus sin gu bheil And your livelihood Unless you get for me the Clawed Cup from The Great Smith." At any rate, there was nothing that could be done: they had to set out and there was certainly a fearful distance to cover on that journey. And they sailed on and they reached the land there, and as was their custom when they landed, they pulled up the ship seven times its own length on the green grass so the impertinent little boys of the big town would not be teasing them. And when the Man of the Light Gray Coat arrived up at the place of the Great Smith he went in to talk to him. And they spent a long time conversing; he had to go a- round it in a very canny way. So anyway, they came to talking about the Clawed Cup. And the Great Smith showed him the Clawed Cup. And he was turning the cup in his hands and looking at it and saying how lovely it was, and he let the cup fall on the floor and it broke. Oh, the Man of the Light Gray Coat almost began weeping over what had happened and the Great Smith said to him, "Never mind," said he, "about that. In fact, I am pleased," said he, "that this happened to it. Now I know," said he, "that there was a flaw in the cup. And now we must," said he, "locate all the smiths and make the cup over a- gain, and be certain this time that it is good enough to stand up to any blow or fall or anything at all that happens to it." "Oh," said he (the other one), "if that's how it is," said he, "the matter is not altogether so painful for me." So all the smiths went to work and the Clawed Cup was made over again. And they tried it this time to make certain and the cup was as strong and as good as could be. MR.TIRE LTD. 267 Prince Street Sydney The Radial Tire People Specializing in BEGoodrichv MICHELIN and the Vforld Famous Bandag Re-treading in Fully Equipped Mobil Unit XHONB: 539-5670 CO"OP DO-IT- YOURSELF Home Improvement Centre Completo stocks of lumber, building suppUos. Phimblng, HMting and Secttical matarials. • Component Homes & Cottages COOP Building Supplies Sydney Port Hentvkesbury 539-6''10 625-2600
Cape Breton's Magazine
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