Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 23 > Page 26 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"

Page 26 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/8/1 (319 reads)

ribh agus ma chi mi sealladh dhe'n mhult, bheir mis' air gun tig e astaigh dha'n chreig agus gu faic sinn' ciamar a tha e a' deanamh sin. Falbhaidh sinn." Cha d'thug e a shuil riamh far Corra Criostag fad an t-siubhail. "' """ " ~ " " '!'1 air ais sios gus an d*ranaig sinn an cladach. Nuair a r'aig sinn am bata bha na gillean 'gar feitheamh. Stad an cu agus rinn e fead cruaidh, agus ann an tiotadh bha faoileag mhor, dhubh 'na seasamh ri thaobh. "Thig thusa cbmhla riumsa," thuirt an cu, agus chaidh sinn uile anns a' bhata agus chaidh sinn amach air bbrd na luinge. Thu? irt an cu, "Bheir mise leam an stiuir. Cumadh na gillean a h-uile slat aodach rith' agus cha toir e gle fhada dhuinn gu Eilean an Fhamhair." Air feasgar miigach, dorcha • na nebil dhu- bha OS ar cionn, cha robh grian neo geal- ach neo reul ri fhaicinn • thuirt an cu, "Thugaibh bhuaipe a h-aodach. Cuiribh am? ach an t-acaire. Fuirichidh sinn an seo gus an dorchaich an oidhche. Thig sinn an sin air tir." ledge of rock. The day dawned and we con? stantly kept a sharp lookout to see if we could catch sight of the wether, though we were not entirely certain that this was the time for it to be outside. The black seagull was the first to sight the wether. It had just climbed up to the top of the rock on a little path of its own that went up the side of the rock-face. The Lean Hound did not move until he saw that the wether was well up on the level part of the rocks, but no lightening-flash was ever faster than the lunge that the Lean Hound of the Green Wood made after the wether. They went around the rock three or four times. The Lean Hound gained steadily on the wether, shadowing him and drawing clo? ser to him until the wether was forced to leap down the rock on the path that he had used to come up. The Lean Hound leapt down the narrow little path in pursuit and they reached the base of the rock. There was a large gushing stream coming out of the rock about four feet above the ground, spreading out like a cloak toward the rock's base. Under that curtain of falling water rushed the wether, and the Lean Hound after it. Corra Chriostag, the black seagull and I descended on the little, narrow, twisting path as fast as we could. The Lean Hound was waiting for us at the bottom of the rock. He told us that the wether had gone inside through the water, and that there was a large space inside the rock. We en? tered through the water, and indeed there was a large space inside the rock and the place was very dark. We saw the pond, Cor? ra Chriostag put one of the peas in it and we went and hid in a dark comer. On the morning of the next day we saw the wether coming to b''''''e its drink, the fi'lnk. Atomic Energy of Urrtted Chemical Blue Heron Gift Shop'L BADDECK, N? S. 295-3424 VA Gifts For All Occasions Ym MARG and LLOYD ';?acEACHERN .'.Ji- Glace Bay Heavy Water Plant Public Information Centres Glace Bay and Port Hawkesbury South Street Shediac Plaza, Reeves St An insight into the atomic age through MODELS FILMS EXHIBITS Visits By Groups From High Schools, Service Qubs, Church Organizations Can Be Arranged At Any Time Of The Year OPEN DAILY, JUNE TO SEPTEMBER DRIVE SOFRY. thruway ''- mufflercentre Your neighborhood thruway mufflercentre has expert ways to keep your car quiet. Visit your nearest thniway mufflercentre. You'll leave quietly. We promise. • No installation charge • Full guarantee for North American-made cars** Free inspection • Quality parts and service • Independently operated by an exhaust system expert? Chargex/Master Charge accepted We're waiting to hear from you. THE MASTER MUFFLER 349 George St., Syaney 539-6691 *GiiaiaaiM?pplieiaoiiiufilenonly. i
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