Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 24 > Page 42 - Hector Carmichael and Alexander Kerr

Page 42 - Hector Carmichael and Alexander Kerr

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/12/1 (316 reads)

this fellow that was following went into the cemetery. The two men came along side each other. The fellow in the cemetery said, "Good thing for you, what you have in your pocket" • that's the only word he said to him when he walked into the ceme? tery. Norman ran home. He was pretty scared when he got home. Well, what Norman had in his pocket was a testament • I think it was a catechism. And another time, you know, the night at the wake over on the hill there, where the old fellow died. You know, there was two fellows went over from here, two young fellows • I guess they were 15 or around • and they didn't go over there for anything good, you know. Went to try and have some fun. They were laughing a lot there. And look, boy, after they left there, some? thing happened to them, they .got scared by a light. Some queer light came around them and scared the living life out of them. They got down to where one of them was • living on this side, but the other wouldn't come over home that night alone, unless someone was coming. Those fellows got that scared after they left there. Isn't that funny? The reason I tell you stories like this is, I want to keep Alex here on the right path. Alex; Did you ever hear about the time when Gillis was up at North River and An? gus was janitor of the church. And you know how Gillis would preach for hours. One Sunday there was a hell of a storm and frosty out in the wintertime. And the jan? itor went out early to put a fire on for II o'clock. And then there was the minis? ter and only two or three more showed up for church. And they were wondering if they'd have church or not. So one of them said to Angus • they were talking in Gaelic, you know • "What do you think about having a church service, Angus?" "Well," he said, "if I went to the barn to feed the cows and there was only one there, I'd feed her. " Then they went into church and Gillis preached the same as if the church was full. And poor Angus was starved to death with how long he was away from home, put? ting the fire on and all this in the church. Well, lo and behold, they get out and Gillis was shaking hands with them go? ing out the door, asked if he liked the service. "Oh yes," he said. "Service was all right. But if I went to the barn to feed the cows and only one showed up, I wouldn't give her the whole mow." '?? '>3 " * Hector; They used to chew tobacco in church sometimes. There was a minister in the North River church then, his name was John Fraser, he was pretty stern • he was a real preacher, but he was cross, you know, and cranky. And they used to have to go to church every month and scrub the floor be? cause of tobacco spit. So he turned turk this morning • this day he told them; "Some of you gentlemen," he said, "has got a ha? bit of chewing tobacco in church. It's a dirty habit. Now," he said, "the next day you come to church with a chew of tobacco in your mouth, put it on the gatepost out there • and I'll guarantee you that a crow or a dog won't touch it • and it'll be there when you go out, and you can go with it." Alex; Was I'felcolm ever telling you. Hector, about the time he went working for the un? dertaker? He went working with this under? taker in Sydney • he was only a young fel? low and he was scared to death, but I guess jobs were scarce so he had to take what he could get. So there was this lit? tle old man dead upstairs, and the under? taker wanted f'alcolm to take the remains • go up and carry it down so they'd get the remains ready. When he was coming down the stairs with him, there was still some wind left in the old fellow. And ]>alcolm got scared to death and he dropped him on the stairs and he kept on coming. The under? taker asked him, "Where's the body?" "Look," he said, "anybody that can blow wind can walk." a 'Little bit of Paris' for reservations 539-4671 "'LUNCH: Mon. to Fri. 12 to 2 DINNER: Mon. to Sat. 6 to 10 tCClosed Sunday) 233 Esplanade Sydney Nova Scotia FuU Wine Cellar ,..-,_ CampGill f='W Lighthouse Si Cape Breton Shopping Plazi '* Svdner River. Nova Scotia The Shop with the Ans?'r to all Your Lighting Needs
Cape Breton's Magazine
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