Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 25 > Page 10 - Ben Christmas: Chants and Customs

Page 10 - Ben Christmas: Chants and Customs

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/6/1 (599 reads)

a'tuksij kisna ta'n tett wetapeksij mi'soqo apj wlteskatulti'kw. "Katu etuk mu kisi ajkne'niik kijka' nutrau'k ta'n teli malie'wulti'tiss Mi'kmaq neskmna'q alasutmaqn melkipukua'sinukek kmitkinaq. Lpa'tu mikuite'tt malie'win amuj pa tmk wnki'ku kekinua'tuaji. Toqo tlisip kekinua'tut saqmaw kisna ta'n wen nikanuss wla wutan kisna wutanji'jk ta'n eimi'tij. Tlisip saqmaw kisna nikanus wikumaji wikuma mawita'Iin nutuanew wla lpa'tu'1 kisna lpa'tu'si teli ktu' malie'wilij. E'pite'sk elp nekmow wikumujik jukwita'new, ta'n wen welite'lsit malie'winew wla lpa'tu'si jiptueke'l pasik tapusijik pekisinkik. Jiptueke'l ne'sijik, kisna a jiptueke'l aji pikwelkik. Asukom, lluiknek, kisna me' atelkik. Lpa'tu's na nekm mknatal ta'n welamatl malie'winew, tliaj mna'q ala'ti'tikw kisna kelulti'tikw. Kis kaq pita'tij wla e'pite'sk toqo tlisip lpa'tu's ketapekiet. Ketapekiatk netukulimkewey ktapekiaqn, mita netukulit na. Aqq nespiw i' la'lukwejl ta'nl e'pite'sl welamajl. Si'stewey ela'lukwej wla nkute'l e'pite'sl na' na nekm welamkusit aqq meknut malie'winu wla lpa'tu'si. Toqo tlisip saqmaw teluemk toqopukua'laji. Kisi malie'wi'tij toqo tlisip wenaqa'sik meski'k wi'kupaltimk. Ketapekia'tijik, mijisultijik, aqq amalkaltijik. Jiptueke'l tapukna'q kisna a nesukuna'q teli pkijiaq ta'n kinu nike' telui'tmu'k wetn. Neskmna'q pekije'nuk wla ji'nm ta'n kisi malie'wit, miamuj pa kekinua'toq ketloqo klu'lktn ta'n teli tqwa'ma'tij kisna moqwe. Apj, CONTINUED ones who would be willing to marry the young man. Maybe only twO show, or maybe three or possibly more like 6 or 7, or even more still. The young man will choose the one he wishes to marry, even if they have never courted or even spoken to each other. When the girls are all seated, the young man begins to sing. He sings the hunting song, because he is' hunting; and dances close to the girl that he likes. The third time he dances near a particular girl, then that is the one who is liked and chosen to marry the young man. Then, next, the Chief joins them in marriage. After the wedding, there is a big feast. They sing, they eat and they dance. Some? times , two days or three days it lasts; what we call today a wedding. Before long, this man that has just married, has to demonstrate if, in fact, their union is good or bad. Again, everything is repeated as was when he married. If their union is good, a particular song is sung by the man. After singing the song, it is under? stood that their union is a good one. A- gain, there is a feast and there is much joy. However, if their union is not good, again, the man sings a particular song. And upon completion of the song, much sad? ness and crying begins. That was the man? ner in which they separated first, or what is now termed in English as a "divorce." The woman goes back to her parents and the man also goes back to his parents. That is the end of their marriage. But they can get married again. The man can choose a different girl, or if the woman is chosen again, she can remarry. That is the end of this story for now." CONTINUED NEXT PAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE Owned and Operated by Syl MacDonald Baddeck Ambulance Ltd. 295-2200 Fully Trained, Experienced Personnel a-LittlebitofParis' Irtit lm '"'izr LtmCH: Mon. to Fri. 12 to 2 DINNER* Mon. to Sat. 6 to 10 .(Closed Sunday) 233 Esplanade Sydney Nova Scotia FuU Wine Cellar PRINTERS, ''peedy Propane FILLING STATIONS! Speedy Propane Bulk Plant Kings Road* Sydn' J.B.Benoit. Arichat Robin's. Cheticaap yrft?'r' 9 PWPflr<>Vn4t Baddeck Inlet Caapground. Baddedc go> wugon'i nni?? RMervtt (10) Tourist Brochures & Colour Printing A Specialty LIMITED 180 JOmmEHD STIIEET, SYDNEY, N.S. TELEPHONE (902) 56MM6 bolw nURMUY larHMMikanuly ttr 664-8161 fcetebratinp 77>fears of Service
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