Page 11 - Survival Kit, Compass and Topographic Map
ISSUE : Issue 4
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1973/5/1
to turn from that direction of travel (140 degrees), pick a new landmark, take a new reading • and write it down. Keep the readings in order. When you want to return, you must follow the same trail. Simply add 180 degrees to each reading under 180, and subtract 180 degrees from each reading over 180 (in either case turning the readings one-half a 360-degree circle around). This is called "back bearing." To return from that hilltop to the highway, for instance, you add 180 to 140, making the direction of travel 320 degrees. Put 320 on the far side of the housing from your face; turn your whole body until you orient the compass;sight a landmark and you're on your way. Obtain topographical maps for the area you will be hiking. This is not only a matter of safety. It will permit you to familiarize yourself with the terrain, chart and take readings for off-the-trail excursions, sight possible camping or fishing sites, and determine mileage (and thus time) before you go. Topographic maps are made from a series of air photos. They show man-made features (bridge, church, road) in black; water (marsh, rapids, lakes) in blue; vegetation in green;and in brown elevation features of hills and valleys. You can see from how close together the lines of ele? vation are drawn, which side of a mountain is steepest, and plan your walk accord? ingly. Maps can be purchased at a number of places on Cape Breton, or directly from Canada Map Office, 615 Booth St, Ottawa. Ask for Index No. 1, which includes a grid for all of Cape Breton. And ask for a chart explaining the symbols on topographic maps. Both items are free. The maps you will need for hikes out of Meat Cove are 11 n/2 East and 11 N/l West. They cost 50 cents each. If you know you are lost, stop. Take stock. Don't panic. Do not back track unless you are certain where you would get to. Make a night of it. Start a fire and keep it going, and prepare a comfortable dry'piace. Locate water. In the morning, they will be looking tor you. Set three good tires in a triangle, about 90 feet apart. Choose locations carefully • don't set the forest ablaze. Keep fires small and smokey bY putting on spruce boughs and green leaves. Keep busy. Conserve food. Tend the fires. Frank's Drive-in FOR FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE PH. 295-2878, BADDECK,C.B. Red & White Supermarket MERCURY I LINCOLN! MACAULAY'S GARAGE BADDECK, N.S. Baddeck Volkswagen Porche Audi Serving the Beautiful Island of Cape Breton '. 564-4006 . 539-5850 55 Victoria Road, Sydney Nova Scotia Isle Royale Beverages Limited Your authorized COCA-COLA boffler 564-8130 562-4439 245 Weiton St. Sydney, N. S. CO-OP Building Supplies and Harbour Homes • your best Cape Breton Source of PRE-ASSEMBLED HOMES and COHAGES • Complete stocks of lumber, building supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Electrical materials. We cater to the building public CO-OP i CO-OP BUILDING SUPPLIES Kings Road, Sydney 539-6410 "Station St., Port Hawkesbury 625-2600 Operated by Maritime Co-operative Services Ltd. CAKE BRETON ??S MAGAZINB/ll
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