Inside Back Cover - Advert: Cape Breton's Magazine
ISSUE : Issue 25
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/6/1
_ Mii'' '-'TT • On the Swing Bridge of the Causeway, walking to Cape Breton. Aug, 13, 1955, NOW ON SALE: The Fourth Collectors'Edition of Cape Breton's magazine Issues 19 through 24 (292 pages) $6,00 The Fourth Collectors' Edition is issues 19 through 24 re- printed and bound into one big 292-page book. It sells for $6.00 and is now on sale in stores or direct from Cape Bret? on's Magazine, Wreck Cove, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Write or use the coupon opposite. ALSO AVAILABLE DOWN NORTH The Bookof Cape Breton's Magazine The First, Second and Third Collectors' Editions (issues 1 through 18) are sold out and will not be reprinted. DOWN NORTH: The Book of Cape Breton's Magazine is a new boo! that has been published by Doubleday Canada. The book is a selection of over 50 stories taken mostly from the early issues of Cape Bi;eton's Magazine. We expect that a lot of our readers will want this book be cause it is a permanent collection with almost 400 photos re-done in the darkroom, printed on white book paper and, of course, with no advertisements. DOWN NORTH costs $12.95 paperback and $19.95 hardcover. DOWN NORTH is available through your bookseller. If you would like to order DOWN NORTH from us, you can ase the coupon on the left page, or simply write us a letter telling how many copies you want, how many hardcover and how many paperback, and where to send them. You can use the coupon to order the Fourth Collectors' Edition and to subscribe. Be sure to include complete name and address for each item you want, and include a cheque or money order. TO ORDER, USE COUPON ON LEFT, OR SIMPLY WRITE US A LETTER jYou Can Subscribe to Cape Breton's Magazine A subscription can begin with any issue from Number 19 onward. The current issue is Nijmber 25. Subscriptions are sold on a 6-issue basis. A 6-issue subscription is $7.00 in Canada, $8.00 Foreign. We pay postage anywhere in the world.
Cape Breton's Magazine