Page 10 - Guiding for Salmon on the Margaree
ISSUE : Issue 26
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/8/1
pound "tip-it" (end of leader) on that and there's a number 2 hook, and I think this fish is pretty well hooked. And I always look at my watch the second that I hook a fish. And the first jump, I said to myself, this is about a 9-pound salmon. And 25 minutes after that, I gaffed him and killed him. Where he was getting the thrill, I would have had three of them in. And the fellow with a camera got three pictures of the fish out of the water on the jumps. So, all right, walked back up to the upper end, to wait for the women to pick us. up. And we saw another couple coming in and starting in to fish about halfway between the bridge and where I hooked the fish--and I-knew there were no fish there. I told the man I was with. And this old fellow that I was with said, "Where you from, madam?" "New York." "Well, you're in the wrong place--get a guide. You don't know anything about this river." Can you imagine? All right. Holy gosh. The Cadillac came. The women saw the salmon. And they said they wanted to take a little drive, sight- seeing--just the time of the year when everything is so beautiful--so I suggested we go to the Big Intervale. And it was no trouble to sit into a Cadillac car, you know, not a bit. Well, they thought that was glorious, out of the world altogether. Came back down to the' Kilmuir. Got out of the car and he opened his purse and he passed me over 40 dollars. Two 20-dollar bills--for less than 4 hours. And there was that other fellow that I took my gear and taught him how to cast • and didn't e- ven pay for my dinner at the lodge. That was the difference in some people. (Over 41 years of watching that river, when you started were there a lot of sal? mon in the river?) Oh, for God's sake, don't be talking. This is where the change comes in. It didn't make any difference what day you'd go up to the river that time, you'd see fish--but you're not going to catch a salmon every time that you'd see him. It's just when he's in the mood to take. But that was the days of the fish? ing. Aw, man, you'd always see them. But today, you're lucky if you can see a fish, if you can see one of them. And you're on? ly allowed two a day. That time--when I started in, I don't remember if there was such a thing as a quota at all. I think it was catch all you could. But I remember when it was 10 a day. Today, you're al? lowed 2 a day, but if you get 2 in the week, you're doing hellish well. This was one of the best rivers in the world one time, the Margaree River here. (What changed it?) Well, that's the ques? tion they're trying to figure out. And of course, there was a lot of poaching on the river then, they were netting them and they were spearing them--but the river still was full of salmon just the same. And they are not on the coast, they're not outside--the commercial fishermen are not getting the number of fish they used to get years ago. And when they're not on the coast, they're not going to be in the riv? er. And they've been trying and experi? menting for years to find out what's wrong. But I don't know. Beautiful, Intelligent and Peaceful ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Ni'lONAL HISTORIC PARK New Hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. July 1 to Labour Day 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. the Rest of the Year 1' Parks Canada Open 7 Days a Week 3 MAJOR EXHIBIT AREAS: Bell the Man Bel! the Experimenter Hydrofoil Hall GUIDE SERVICE AVAILABLE Baddeck N.S. TSkin.west of Sydney on Route 105 Growing Blueberries... What about your land? (10) Expansion of the Nova Scotia blueberry industry has been dramatic with the lowbush blueberry developing into one of the most important horticultural crops in our province. In 1953, Nova Scotia produced 1.125 million pounds of blueberries with a farm value of $152,000. In 1979, provincial production was 10.7 million pounds with a farm value of $4.2 million and a total value to the Nova Scotia economy of over $8 million. Blue? berries are the number one fruit crop in Nova Scotia in total acreage, dollar return and export sales, providing one of the highest net incomes of any agricultural commodity. But the blueberry success story is with its large scale commercial development based on years of steadily increased production. It has taken aggressive promotion by the blueberry industry and government, con? tinuous research and improved cultural practices, expanded markets and a lot of hard work. There are about 20 thousand acres cur? rently in production in Nova Scotia with the potential for developing another 10 to 15 thousand acres This could double our present yearly production. However, expansion will only be realized with landowners committing more acres to production on land which in most cases is unsuited for other types of agriculture. The Nova Scotia Department of Agricul? ture and Marketing realizes the growth po? tential in the blueberry industry and has a number of programs to help landowners interested in commercial production. The Department has a land clearing policy which, subject to eligibility, offers financial help to growers for each acre cleared. The De? partment also provides the latest technical, research and production information avail? able, along with sound advice to the grower through its horticultural and marketing specialists. If you would like more information or assistance on how to get your land into blue? berry production contact: Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing. NOVA SCOTIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & MARKETING Hon. Roger S. Bacon, Minister Walter V. Grant, Deputy Minister
Cape Breton's Magazine