Page 18 - How Leather was Sewn
ISSUE : Issue 4
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1973/5/1
and separate the threads so that two are together and one is alone. See Drawing A. Holding the lengths gripped tightly in the left hand, thoroughly wax the two strands and the single strand. Look at Drawings B and C. Twist (1) away from yourself, be? tween the right thumb and forefinger. Then, keeping the twist m it, bring it toward yourself over (2) and grip it tightly between the little finger and the ring finger of the left hand. This holds the twist in (1). Now take (2), twist it away from yourself between the right thumb and forefinger, then bring it toward yourself over (1), placing it between the little finger and ring finger and taking up (1) to be twisted again. Keep doing this, one after the other, adding wax now and then • and because of the way you tore off the lengths, the thread will come down to a firm hair tip, quite good for sewing. Wax the end some more. Run your fingers the length of the three strands to get them even. Then separate to one strand and two strands, wax and twist the other end. Tl'ilSTltsiG- A?s| CNO ) '3' . • '- • ::|#=<. -'..' Now you want to put a twist along the 4 feet of thread. Donald Garrett wrapped one end of the strands a couple turns around an awl and stuck the tool in the couch. He held the other end across his knee and used the flat of his hand pushing away from himself over the strands, putting a twist in it. Now and then he would run thumb and forefinger the length of the strand toward the awl, running the turns up the length of it. When he had a good even twist the whole length of it, he took the end from over his knee and put it back of that knee, drawing his leg up to grip it there. Then he took the other end off the awl and held it so the turns would not come out. Caught at the back of his knee and wrapped once around that knee and then held high (see the photograph), the strand was firm enough to run the wax back and forth along it, heavily waxing. The natural color of the shoemaker's thread disappeared under the very dark brown of the wax. When half the length was waxed he shifted knees, turning the thread so the well-waxed end was gripped back of the knee and once a- round it, and the unwaxed portion was held aloft for waxing. The wax actually fills in the thread and makes it stiff. To take the stickiness out of it, Donald Garrett ran it through his hair. He said that it leaves nothing in your hair. GE(??GB??S DAIRY "Best place to buy when other stores are closed" • Fisher Hudson dave epstein ltd. ESTABLISHED 19D7 MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING & FURNISHINGS FOOTWEAR FOR MEN P. P. BOX 1114 san CHARLOTTE ST. - SYDNEY, N. S. Cape Breton's Magazine/lS 11 MACRAE'S GULF SALES AND SERVICE BADDECK, NOVA SCOTIA Town and Country RESTAURANT Red ond White FOOD STORES Baddeck Port Hawkesbury Sydney River & Glace Bay
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