Page 28 - An Acadian Tale: "Le Chien Noir"
ISSUE : Issue 27
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/12/1
An Acadian Tale: Le Chien Noir' Le conte du chien noir--ca c'est 1'his? toire d'un fils de roi qu'allait voir deux filles. I' y en avait une qu'etait riche, mais alle etait laide. Et p'is une pauvre, qu'etait une jolie fille. Mais, une jour- nee il decidit laquelle des deux qu'il al? lait marier. I' decidit de marier la fille pauvre, a cause qu'elle etait belle. Mais, la fille riche, ca la "suitait" pas, elle; alle etait pas contente. Une journee, i' se rencontrirent les deux filles, sur la rue. --Ah! dit la laide, tu vas marier le gar? con du roi, toi. P'is a dit: Moi, je m'en vas rester la. --B'en! moi, c'est pas de ma faute. A dit: I' m'a demande pour le marier'p'is, a dit, je m'en vas 1'marier. --B'en! marie-le; mais, a dit, je te gar- antis que si t'as un enfant quelque fois, ca sera pas un enfant, ca sera un chien noir. Bon! "Alright!" B'en, quand le temps est venu, ah! mon ami! quand alle a vu qu'i' venait que'que chose, alle a dit a son homme (son mari): Je crois que je vas en? gager un yatch et p'is je m'en vas partir malade sur lamer. --Oh! il a dit, tant que tu voudras. J'ai de 1'argent en masse. 11 a engage un docteur et une "nurse"; p'is alle a pris son yatch et alle est partie sur I'eau. Ah! pas b'en longtemps apres, 9a venu. Oui, mais ailleurs d'ache- ter un enfant, un chien noir! La, le doc? teur a demande quoi ce qu'i' faulait faire de ca. Alle a demande: --I1 a-t-i' envie de vivre? --Oui. --B'en, alle a dit a la "nurse", sougne-le comme il faut, p'is quitte-le vivre. B'en quand il a eu un an, le chien etait gros, il etait gros de meme. II etait as? sis sur son cul au ras elle. Alle a dit: Si tu parlais done! CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE The tale of the black dog--that's the sto? ry of a king's son who went to see two girls. There was one that was rich, but she was ugly. And then a poor one who was a beautiful girl. But one day he decided which one of the two he would marry. He decided to marry the poor girl, because she was pretty. But the rich girl, she wasn't pleased, this didn't suit her. One day the two girls met on the road. "Ah," said the ugly one, "you're going to marry the king's son." And she said, "I'm going to stay here." "Well, it's not my fault," the beautiful girl said. "He asked me to marry him, and I'm going to marry him." "Well, marry him, but," the ug3?r girl said, "I guarantee that if you have a child sometime, it won't be a child, it will be a black dog." Well, alright! Well, when the time came, my friend, when she saw there was some? thing coming, she said to her husband, "I think I'll hire a yatch and I'll go to sea, in my condition." "as you like. I've got lots "Oh," he said, of money." He hired a doctor and a nurse, and she took her yatch and she went to sea. Not long after that, it came. Yes, and instead of being a child, it was a black dog. The doctor asked what he should do about it. She asked, "Does it want to live?" "Yes." "Well," she said to the nurse, "take care of it like you should, and let it live." Well, when it was a year old, the dog was big, he was this big. He was sitting on his arse near her. She said, "If only you could talk." "Ah," he said, "I talk. If you had asked me sooner, I would have talked." "Ah well," she said, "if you can talk, you'll be useful to me." She said to the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE AREYOUR SHOCK ABSORBERS THIS OLO? .Then,they could be causing excessive tire wear, rough riding, and endangering your safety. New shock absorbers will prevent the veering, bottoming, swaying, and rock? ing that makes your ride rough, steering difficult, and braking unsure. Replace your worn shock absorbers today. LET US INSPECT YOUR SHOCK ABSORBERS TODAY! THE MASnR MUFFLER 349 George St., Sydney 539-6691 muffler centre (28)
Cape Breton's Magazine