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ISSUE : Issue 27
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/12/1
About the 4th Collectors' Edition Since the publication of the FOURTH COLLECTORS' EDITION, we've received a number of letters asking who are the people pictured on the Front Cover. We've also received a few letters and phone calls with information. The beautiful woman alone is Gladys Maude Harlow, born in London, England, 1897. Her family came to Halifax in 1907, then moved to North Sydney just prior to World War I. Her father worked with Mr. Cook, a highway con? tractor, building the railway through Sydney Mines and North Sydney. Gladys married Willard M. Griffin of Isaac's Harbour, Guysborough County. Her brother, R.A. Harlow, wrote: "My sister was an ardent member of the British Israel Federation. She was well-versed and know? ledgeable in the Bible, and could hold her own with most of our clergy. She was a staunch sup? porter of the Royal Family, and was very disap? pointed when Canada changed the National or offi? cial flag. Similar to the old-time Presbyterians, she was very strict on religious and social mat? ters, but she did possess a kind heart She passed away in April of 1972." We also heard from Moira and Milton MacKenzie of North Sydney. They wrote to tell us that the couple pictured on the cover is the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles. He was a local grocer. And the family pictured is that of the late Capt. and Mrs. John D. MacKenzie. "On mother's knee is Donald C. MacKenzie, New Glasgow; younger girl with hair ribbon: Mary Florence, deceased; boy in sailor suit: Capt. Milton F. MacKenzie, North Sydney; boy in front in romper suit: John Duncan, deceased." In a future issue we hope to offer more about Capt. John D. MacKenzie, sea captain and superintendent of pilots, as well as an honoured hero for a res? cue at sea. The Fourth Collectors' Edition of Cape Breton's magazine Issues 19 through 24 (292 pages) $6.00 The FOURTH COLLECT? ORS' EDITION is Is? sues 19 through 24 reprinted and bound into one big 292- page book. Let us send you or a friend anywhere in the world, a copy of the FOURTH COL? LECTORS' EDITION. It costs $6.00 and we pay the postage. The photographs themselves were made from uniden? tified glass plates in the collection of the Bea? ton Institute, College of Cape Breton. We have since learned they were made by Brenton Rice, a North Sydney photographer, of whom we hope to have more to offer in a future issue. ANYONE WHO KNOWS THE NAME OF THE BARE-CHESTED YOUNG MAN ON THE COVER, PLEASE WRITE AND LET US KNOW. AND IF YOU KNOW OF MORE GOOD EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS OF CAPE BRETON AND ITS PEOPLE • A FEW PHOTOS OR A LARGE COLLECTION - PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US. Down North The Book of Cape Breton's Magazine Ronald Caplan, Editcn- DOWN NORTH The Bookof Cape Breton's Magazine DOWN NORTH is a new book published by Doubleday Canada Ltd for distribu? tion across North America. The book is a selection of over 50 stories (plus a new Introduction) taken mostly from the early and out-of-print issues of Cape Breton's Magazine. DOWN NORTH is Cape Bretoners speaking, telling stories and showing how things were done. A lot of our regular readers will want DOWN NORTH for themselves because it is a permanent collection with almost 400 photos and illustrations, printed on bright white paper and, of course, without ads. Give yourself or a friend the treat of DOWN NORTH. It's 239 pages and costs $12.95 in paperback, $19.95 in hardcover. And we mail it and pay the postage. |You Can Subscribe to Cape Breton's Magazine With the next issue, subscription rates will go up. You can still sub? scribe or extend your subscription--or send a gift to a friend--at the old rates. A 6-issue subscription is $7.00 in Canada, $8.00 Foreign. The current issue is Number 27. A subscription can begin with any issue from Number 25 onward. It means you'll receive each issue as soon as it comes out. And we pay all the postage when you send a gift away to friends. (44) Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson DECEMBER 1980 CapeBreton's M AG A ZlN.E WRECK COVE . NOVA SCOTU We are not including a return coupon in this issue. There is no space for one, and many people do not like tearing up the magazine. So to subscribe or send gift subscriptions, eind to order DOWN NORTH and the FOURTH COLLECTORS' EDITION • simply write us a letter. Let us know what issue to begin the subscription, whether you want DOWN NORTH in paper? back or hard cover, and include complete names and addresses and a cheque or money order. We do the mailing free.
Cape Breton's Magazine