Page 48 - Gaelic Precenting on the North Shore
ISSUE : Issue 27
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/12/1
(When you were younger, Sandy, were psalms precented in your home as well?) Oh, yes. Father would sing them in the home. Yes. That's where I really learned. I'd hear Gaelic singing in the home at least twice a day, morning and evening worship. And always precenting, every worship. When he'd pray--we'd go on our knees, you know, the whole family. For prayer, he would say something from the Old Testament--and to that he would put a few words that he made himself--oh, they would have long prayers, you know. (Did you ever feel you'd rather go out, play ball?) No, no. I liked to be there, to be a part of that. Father would get his book in Gaelic and take a piece of the chapter, and then there's a psalm--and the psalm would be the preaching--and he had 2 or 3 verses of precenting every night and morning. A chapter from the Bi? ble and then a psalm--he'd precent it. We'd sing with him--everyone in the house. It was beautiful. Ach, yes indeed. Then a prayer, and that was it. People today will do everything else but the Book itself--but that's not work at all. And the storms come. And people have lost a lot of traps, (And you feel those things happen sometimes because people de? serve them?) Why, sure, I remember every morning before the fish? ing . I was so young. I was getting up as early as could be. And still he had the Bible right away, I don't know how many verses. Then he was praying. It was too early for Mother, but you bet your life she'd pray herself. But it's very seldom on the North Shore today you'd see that, early in the morning. I was young--13 years and 14 years--full of muscle, and Father was at the Bible, Out the window, I could see them at the fishing--lovely day out--and see a boat here and there. But he didn't see. He didn't care. Final? ly, we went. And he did very well. And when he came ashore, he had his nice fish, too. Supposing someone went out fishing early--that's all right. Let the fellow go. Oh, Father was good. The two of us would get to fishing. Get the fish with trawl, you know. And lobsters. No money, though, no money. If the weather kept good, you know, even if he was the last one off, he'd still get his fish. Down at the old church--it's a big church-- honest and truly, when you'll get there, any time at all--the church so big and the small crowd there now. And they used to fill the church up, you know. The world has changed, yes. And ceilidh. We used to visit back and forth. But today, there's no ceilidh today. An old fellow at North River was saying to me--well, he can't go to a house at all after night comes, He said, they're at the television and you can't say a word. And I'm sure it's pretty much the same everywhere. And it's the same with the tunes. You know, when those tunes are gone, you won't bring them back. THE WINNER OF GEORGE'S ENTERPRISES & LAUNDROMAT'S ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME ONE-INCH CONTEST IS CHRIS KING WITH:"Stock up or wash down at George's Multiblend Enterprises in the middle of Baddeck--Almost Always Open." FAMILY PANEL OF JUDGES' DECISION IS FINAL! Test drive this magnificent motoring event EUROCAR SERVICE LTD. Westmoimt, opposite Dobson Yacht Club 564-9721 (48) FARMING IN NOVA SCOTIA ISA $178 MILLION BUSINESS That's BIG business; and it's spread over the whole agricultural spectrum. For example: 28% is created by the dairy industry while eggs, poultry meats, hogs, beef, fruit and vegetables each account for another 11% with smaller contributions from greenhouse produas, potatoes, tobacco, mink, sheep, feed grains, honey and maple products. To maintain, improve and expand our agriculture capability, Nova Scotia's Department of Agriculture and Marketing offers many services: • The Nova Scotia Agricultural College • Professional agriculture assistance and advice through 14 county offices • Extension specialists in a wide variety of agricultural disciplines • A province-wide 4-H rural youth program • Marketing information and assistance through offices in Kentville and Truro • Home economics services for farm and rural homes • These and many other Department functions are serviced by 119 professional agriculturists aiding in the creation of a better development program for rural Nova Scotia NOVA SCOTIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & MARKETING Hon. Roger S. Bacon, Minister Walter V. Grant, Deputy Minister
Cape Breton's Magazine