Page 8 - Working on the S&L; Railroad Part One
ISSUE : Issue 28
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/6/1
ing her. They may have had to build quite a lot of track, along with everything else, because in a case of that kind, quite a lot of track would be torn up. They'd prob? ably have to build 50 or 100 feet of track to get her back on the right track. (Was it common for a train to leave the track?) Oh yeah. You could get 2 or 3 de? railments in a month. And then sometimes you'd get 2 or 3 in a week. And then you'd go a long time without a derailment--that would be a major one. Now, minor derail? ments would happen perhaps somewhere every day. But the train crews themselves might handle it. The engine always carried re- placers. There were 2 replacers on every engine. It was placed on the tie. They'd spike that replacer down solid against the track. It was built so that wheels would go up on it and slide over, slide back on the track again. (This was for a train that hasn't really gone far?) Sometimes it could be quite a little ways, as long as another engine could couple on to pull and help it. And sometimes they could do it un? der their own power, if all the wheels weren't off. If it was all off, they'd likely have to get another locomotive and do the pulling. But I remember one instance--it was uncom? mon, but it happened--we were on a switch? er, another fellow and I. There was just the two of us. This was the night shift. We were going to run the workmen. And there was a derail set at the east end of the yard. A derail is a lump that sits on top of the rail, and when the engine goes up on it, it throws her off the track. That's what it's meant for; it's protec? tion for runaway cars, to throw them off the track before they would go out on the main line track. I didn't line it--to tell you the truth, I didn't know the derail was there--and of course it was foggy. And the driver coming didn't notice it. I heard the engine coming, chugging right a- long, and the next thing I heard was bang, bang, bang, bang. And every wheel was off. I said to the brakeman, "I'd better go call the dispatcher and tell him to get an? other engine here to run the men"--because it was serious if the men were late get? ting to work. And he said, "Well, let's give her a try." The track was all brand new. We got the replacers. We spiked them down, ahead of the engine. He said, "We'll get the driver to put some sand on"-- that'll help to hold the wheels from slip? ping. We got everything set. "Now, we give it to her." He hauled the throttle wide o- pen, and she went. And every wheel went up and back on the track. The replacers made the whole locomotive jump right back on. And every wheel was off. And we didn't de? lay. We got the men to work on time. The CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE Owned and Operated by Syl MacDonald Baddeck Ambulance Ltd. 295-2200 Fully Trained, Experienced Personnel A on TranS'Canada Hwy. 5 miles west of Baddeck • Swimming Pool Laundromat - Camper's Store • Playground - Hot Showers • Full Hookups - Canoeing 295-2288 BADDECK - CABOT TRAIL KAMPGROUND Three Locations in your area ROBIN Cheticamp Main Store 224-2022 Inverness 258-2241 Cheticamp Furniture Store 224-2434 YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS. Founded in 1766. BRETON MOTORS TOYOTA SALES-PARTS-SERVICE Dodd St.. Sydney. Phone 539-8930 A tremendous Stock of new Toyota cars and trucks. Toyota Corollas Toyota Tercels Toyota Celicas Toyota Trucks, 4 X 2 and 4 X 4, and the All New Diesel Landcruiser, in Station Wagon and Hardtop Models Overlooking the Margaree Valley at the Junction of Route 19 and the Cabot Trail QUALITY USED CARS! A full-accommodation Lodge featuring spacious rooms, dining room and lounge, swimming pool. Nearby are golf fairways, beaches, fresh, and salt water fishing, camping, hiking. BUILT TO LAST. Performance.] Durability. Economy. Three good reasons why Toyota vehicles are so popular. (8) if Open Mon.-Fri. j P Till 8 p.m. 1 f Sat. Till 5 p.m. f The best of Nova Scotian musicians en? tertain in our lounge every weekend. Check with us to see who's playing, and drop in for an enjoyable evening. P. 0. Box 550, MARGAREE FORKS, Nova Scotia BOE 2A0 Phone (902) 248-2193, William F. Maclsaac, mgr. RELAX IN THE BEAUTIFUL MARGAREE VALLEY
Cape Breton's Magazine