Page 32 - At the Glengarry Mineral Spring
ISSUE : Issue 28
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/6/1
mended The Spring to her. She got better, anyway. I don't know if she was drinking it or rubbing it or what she was doing, but she was on her feet in a few days. Rheumatism. That was about the only thing I heard that it would cure. Mr. MacNeil told us that Glengarry was a big community at one time. He said that, while nobody lives out there today, "I re? member when there were 19 families in my~ time and there were more before that." A writer to the CAPE BRETON POST in 19Z|:6 said, "It was a thrifty community, and quite self-sustaining, plenty of fields, brooks, lakes and forests, with a good coal mine and a fi'st class water-powered sawmill--a post office and two well-kept~ The people were industrious schoolsT ' and their farms productive. No one ever saw a load of strange hay, seed or fef'til- izer going into Glengarry." These remarks and the letters that follow were in re- sponse to an attempt made at the time to stir interest in building a good road through to The Mineral Spring. Here are two of the letters: February 25, 1947 It would be a serious mistake to allow ag? itation for an improved road to The Miner? al Spring at Glengarry to die out. I real? ize that the majority of the people of this day are not conversant with the pop? ularity enjoyed some years ago by the Cape Breton spa, but I can personally vouch for the fact that a large number of people formerly journeyed to Glengarry in search of cures for rheumatic pains and other a- kin illnesses, and it cannot be all coin? cidence or a state of mind that invariably a cure was effected after drinking of or bathing in the waters of this spring. Is it any more ridiculous to assume that curative properties could be in the waters at Glengarry than at French Lick, Vichy, or Carlsbad? And if such properties are evident, are not the people of Cape Breton missing a bet? About 30 years ago, I suf'- fered from a severe attack of neuritis and for a period of 3 months was unable to go to work or even walk the length of the street block. Hoping that a few weeks in the country would do me some good, I pro? ceeded there, and a few days later, the farmer with whom I resided took me to The Mineral Spring. I laved in the water and also took some home with me. Two weeks af? ter taking treatment, I was back at work fully cured. I honestly ascribe this cure to water from the spring. Several years ago for sentimental reasons I tried to reach the spring by car but the road was impassable. I have personal know? ledge of similar cures effected on others similarly affected. I also have personal knowledge of the fact that a great many people, some of them from the U.S.A., have tried in recent years to visit the spring and have been unable to do so due to the conditions of the road. For what it may be worth, I add my sincere solicitation to that of all others who might be interested in securing an improved highway to the spring at Glengarry. I trust the Depart? ment of Highways will give serious consid? eration to this matter, for I believe the opening of this road and thereby the mak? ing of this spring accessible would be a ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE OF CAPE BRETON Joe's Warehouse The Food Emporium Cape Breton's Newest and Largest Restaurant- SPECIALIZING IN AGED PRIME CUTS OF ROAST BEEF & STEAKS 6c ONE OF THE MOST UNIQUE SALAD BARS IN THE MARITIMES! & Smooth Herman's Lounge You will be su'f-rounded by a collection of some of Cape Breton's finest antiques. Live Entertainment Nigiitly 424 Charlotte Street 539-6686 RESTAURANT 539-0408 LOUNGE BANQUET FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE (32) Images of Cape Breton Warren Gordon A pictorial glimpse of Cape Breton and its people, seasoned with works by some of the island's finest writers. If not available in your area, you can or? der directly from GORDON PHOTOGRAPHIC, 360 Charlotte Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia. The price is $18.95.
Cape Breton's Magazine